As some of you probably know by now, my fiance and I have a school. Neither of us ever did USAT tournaments, just local ones, but we have some students that are interested in competing more seriously next year and we want to support and help them do that.
I've done some reading and research, but I still have a couple questions I was hoping you all could help me with, since I know some of you have experience with this.
1) Sparring gear. At a color belt level, what do they need on their feet? E-socks, WTF-approved non-electronic ones, or are "regular" (non-footie) instep guards ok?
2) Poomse judging. Any good resources out there on exactly what the judges want to see? I've seen some books that say they're guides, but I want to make sure I'm looking at the right stuff.
3) Coach levels. For the cadet/junior/senior divisions at state qualifiers, do you need to be a Level 1 coach (I know that you do at nationals), or is AC ok?
I really appreciate everyone's help - you guys can be a wealth of info. Thanks!
I've done some reading and research, but I still have a couple questions I was hoping you all could help me with, since I know some of you have experience with this.
1) Sparring gear. At a color belt level, what do they need on their feet? E-socks, WTF-approved non-electronic ones, or are "regular" (non-footie) instep guards ok?
2) Poomse judging. Any good resources out there on exactly what the judges want to see? I've seen some books that say they're guides, but I want to make sure I'm looking at the right stuff.
3) Coach levels. For the cadet/junior/senior divisions at state qualifiers, do you need to be a Level 1 coach (I know that you do at nationals), or is AC ok?
I really appreciate everyone's help - you guys can be a wealth of info. Thanks!