US taekwondo athlete suspended 6 months for doping

Since 2009 from what I remember and this is from USAT's site. Maybe I am reading it wrong and it may have been explained wrong but here it is -

If I am reading it wrong or have been told wrong please let me know.
I think I see where my interpretation is in error. Because of the new weight categories in 2009 USAT made a policy change for that year to allow the athlete move up or down in class. I do not think that this was carried over and was a onetime thing.

I stand corrected. I was going off of memory from last year and did not remember correctly until I read it again.
Since 2009 from what I remember and this is from USAT's site. Maybe I am reading it wrong and it may have been explained wrong but here it is -

If I am reading it wrong or have been told wrong please let me know.

I believe that only applied to 2009 when the weight categories were redefined by WTF. For example if a female senior qualified in the lightweight division at the max weight of 63KG in either a state or regional qualifier and then the WTF reclassified the weights and all of a sudden, the max weight for female senior lightweight is 62KG, then that person was given the option in 2009 to either drop 1KG and remain a lightweight or remain at 63KG and move up to welter.

This was only allowed in 2009 and only because the WTF changed the divisions after USA qualifier events had already gotten under way.

---- Just saw your 2nd post which I believe is the correct interpretation.

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