Us Seen from the Outside


Have the courage to speak softly
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The us here is Britain rather than the US :).

I have often commented in conversation in friends how odd it is that we fought two wars against Germany in defence of France and yet 'the French' instinctively annoy us and 'the Germans' we instinctively admire ... "They're like us but with no sense of humour!" is a frequently heard cliche ... usually followed by "Don't mention the war!" with a conspiratorial Basil Fawlty laugh.

This intriguing short article from the BBC shows that that admiration may not be uni-directional:

Indeed, that mutual regard has roots running back through the decades for even Hitler did not want to fight the British Empire; he would far rather have had us at his side than facing us as an enemy (and not just for practical reasons).
Indeed, that mutual regard has roots running back through the decades for even Hitler did not want to fight the British Empire; he would far rather have had us at his side than facing us as an enemy (and not just for practical reasons).
Doesn't everybody want the Briish by their side?

Australia has renewed its defence ties with the United Kingdom, with an historic treaty signed in Perth.

So feel safe Suker, you can borrow our Joint Strike Fighter whenever you like ... if we every get delivery. :)

Indeed, that mutual regard has roots running back through the decades for even Hitler did not want to fight the British Empire; he would far rather have had us at his side than facing us as an enemy (and not just for practical reasons).

Every country makes and abandons friends as they feel is needed. It seems to me the USA and UK have stood closer together over the years than far apart. I hope that continues.

Oh, as to the quote above, you might want to ask the Russians how that worked out for them.
I have often commented in conversation in friends how odd it is that we fought two wars against Germany in defence of France and yet 'the French' instinctively annoy us and 'the Germans' we instinctively admire ... "They're like us but with no sense of humour!" is a frequently heard cliche ... usually followed by "Don't mention the war!" with a conspiratorial Basil Fawlty laugh.

I think that is generally true of the USA as well, and I have often wondered about that. Partly in our case because we had a lot of German immigrants up to and including the 30s. But our language is largely a germanic language. That may explain part of it. French of course is not. That may make us think along some of the same lines as the german people. I don't really make any claim to knowing the answer though.

Discussing that might make an interesting thread on its own.

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