The us here is Britain rather than the US
I have often commented in conversation in friends how odd it is that we fought two wars against Germany in defence of France and yet 'the French' instinctively annoy us and 'the Germans' we instinctively admire ... "They're like us but with no sense of humour!" is a frequently heard cliche ... usually followed by "Don't mention the war!" with a conspiratorial Basil Fawlty laugh.
This intriguing short article from the BBC shows that that admiration may not be uni-directional:
Indeed, that mutual regard has roots running back through the decades for even Hitler did not want to fight the British Empire; he would far rather have had us at his side than facing us as an enemy (and not just for practical reasons).

I have often commented in conversation in friends how odd it is that we fought two wars against Germany in defence of France and yet 'the French' instinctively annoy us and 'the Germans' we instinctively admire ... "They're like us but with no sense of humour!" is a frequently heard cliche ... usually followed by "Don't mention the war!" with a conspiratorial Basil Fawlty laugh.
This intriguing short article from the BBC shows that that admiration may not be uni-directional:
Indeed, that mutual regard has roots running back through the decades for even Hitler did not want to fight the British Empire; he would far rather have had us at his side than facing us as an enemy (and not just for practical reasons).