US Said To Mull Lifetime Terror-Suspect Detentions

Bob Hubbard

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US Said To Mull Lifetime Terror-Suspect Detentions

Author: Reuters Source: Yahoo


The Bush administration is preparing plans for possible lifetime detention of suspected terrorists, including hundreds whom the government does not have enough evidence to charge in courts, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

Citing intelligence, defense and diplomatic officials, the newspaper said the Pentagon and the CIA had asked the White House to decide on a more permanent approach for those it would not set free or turn over to courts at home or abroad.

As part of a solution, the Defense Department, which holds 500 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, plans to ask the U.S. Congress for $25 million to build a 200-bed prison to hold detainees who are unlikely to ever go through a military tribunal for lack of evidence, defense officials told the newspaper.
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Hi Bob,

We are committed whether some like it or not. You have read about the 100 year wars, Greek, Carthage and Rome etc...

Well it has just started and the People who are in charge are going to go the full distance.

If we don't we will not be here for the party. (Cheers)

Like I said in another post the beachhead is secured and we are moving forward... Tighten up your belts...

I wish it could be different, but I am not that optimistic for the next decade at least. We are not going to give up a society like we have without a full fleged fight and that is just the way it is. IMO

Osama bin does not know it, but he will not survive this one.

I felt that if the Demos won the first round with Bush we would be going there because of the Person running for VP.
Well, just like in the 60's no one wanted to vote for Goldwater (afraid the war would be continued) well he lost and it was.

We may not be the sharpest nation on the face of this earth but we are the strongest, let no one doubt that, we are flexing our muscles at this point in time and will continue to do it.

Regards, Gary
The Defense Department ... plans ... to build a 200-bed prison to hold detainees who are unlikely to ever go through a military tribunal for lack of evidence.

Does this bother anyone else? They wouldn't treat their own citizens that way... would they? (Would they?) Not that it surprises me in particular, but I find the idea of holding people for the rest of their lives without charge or trial disturbing. Particularly when the excuse cited is "lack of evidence".
GAB said:
You have read about the 100 year wars, Greek, Carthage and Rome etc...
Yes... and those are such MIGHTY empires today...

GAB said:
Well it has just started and the People who are in charge are going to go the full distance.

If we don't we will not be here for the party. (Cheers)

Like I said in another post the beachhead is secured and we are moving forward... Tighten up your belts...

I wish it could be different, but I am not that optimistic for the next decade at least. We are not going to give up a society like we have without a full fleged fight and that is just the way it is. IMO
No, we'll give up our society to a bunch of so called lawmakers who feed us increasing lines of bull that "it's for our safety".

GAB said:
Osama bin does not know it, but he will not survive this one.
He's probably already dead...

GAB said:
I felt that if the Demos won the first round with Bush we would be going there because of the Person running for VP.
I'm sorry, but you lost me here. Could you please elaborate?

GAB said:
Well, just like in the 60's no one wanted to vote for Goldwater (afraid the war would be continued) well he lost and it was.

We may not be the sharpest nation on the face of this earth but we are the strongest, let no one doubt that, we are flexing our muscles at this point in time and will continue to do it.

Regards, Gary
Ah yes, the biggest and strongest, and not the sharpest. Just like the bully on the playground as a kid. What happened to that playground bully, who charges ahead at his target full steam without looking back? He got taken down by the first kid who learned how to sidestep and punch, and then got taken down again and again as the other kids learned too. Or worse yet, all the other kids ganged up and kicked the snot out of the bully.

I do respect your opinion, and that's what makes this country truely great (the ability to express your opinion freely). My opinion is that this country has a little learning to do still, and I mourn for the losses we will take for it in the future.

Living in Amerika, fear on every screen.
Give up freedom, we won't abuse it they scream.
Free Speech Zone, a paperless vote.
Raise the drawbridge, flood the moat.
Big Brother is Watching, America do you Hear?
1984. It is here.

First, I agree we all have the ability to agree or disagree, opinions or observations.

As far as the mighty nations of old, they were here for a long time, we are young and we will also be replaced.

I don't think the US are bullies, we have a lot at stake and we are not going to give it up.

If we were bullies the failure of our allies not to see the need to go with us would have a lot more fallout then it has. But we are not finished yet are we?

I think we are into it for the long run. It is unfortunate, but that is an observation made out of longevity.

We will just have to sit and watch and enjoy the show or not.

I don't need to be swayed either way, I just need to see the facts.

Some say we found enough to go there others say we did not. Does it matter? We went there and we will continue on this road for quite some time I believe.

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Some say we found enough to go there others say we did not. Does it matter?
Does it matter? Yes it does. One makes us defenders of our rights. The other makes us imperialistic barbarians.
Phoenix44 said:
Does it matter? Yes it does. One makes us defenders of our rights. The other makes us imperialistic barbarians.
Yes, the point I am trying to make is we have 52% voting one way and 48%voting the other. But we have 100% with different opinions on various reasons they voted as they did.
What you think is important may not be important to someone who still votes for who you do.

You may feel the war is the big thing and the next may believe abortion is the key.

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Yes, the point I am trying to make is we have 52% voting one way and 48%voting the other.
Sorry to be the troll, or beat a dead horse, but that hasn't been proven 100% yet. :D
OUMoose said:
Sorry to be the troll, or beat a dead horse, but that hasn't been proven 100% yet. :D
Hi, OK. One thing we argree on is your signature.

Regards, Gary

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