US Raids Iranian Consulate in Iraq

Joe, that is right up there with "We'll be greeted with candy and flowers as Liberators" and "This war will take six weeks and pay for itself". Lots of Iranians don't like their government. But they are just as patriotic and nationalistic as you are. If El Padre Grande Blanco Generalissimo The Decider sends the Legions into Iran every single one of them will suddenly get focused on fighting us.

I'm willing to bet that you didn't vote for Clinton. You probably don't like the Democratic Party very much. Suppose Clinton were President and there was a Democratic Congress. Now, suppose the Russians invaded us. Would you say "Thank Gawd, Comrade Putin! You liberated us from the eeeeevvvvviiiilll Bubba. You are the best thing that ever happened to America!" Not even. You'd be out there shooting the invaders and making roadside IEDs because they just invaded your country.
Joe, that is right up there with "We'll be greeted with candy and flowers as Liberators" and "This war will take six weeks and pay for itself". Lots of Iranians don't like their government. But they are just as patriotic and nationalistic as you are. If El Padre Grande Blanco Generalissimo The Decider sends the Legions into Iran every single one of them will suddenly get focused on fighting us.

I'm willing to bet that you didn't vote for Clinton. You probably don't like the Democratic Party very much. Suppose Clinton were President and there was a Democratic Congress. Now, suppose the Russians invaded us. Would you say "Thank Gawd, Comrade Putin! You liberated us from the eeeeevvvvviiiilll Bubba. You are the best thing that ever happened to America!" Not even. You'd be out there shooting the invaders and making roadside IEDs because they just invaded your country.

Bravo, Monsieur. Well said - that's exactly what would/will happen.
Which is why the US seems to be on the course it is. It is not posed to attack Iran, but it is causing it troubles all over when it can. As long as those moves are made outside the country, like finding these guys helping the insurgents, the people of Iran are not going to rally around the flag. If Iran tries any military actions, we have enough forces in the area to make short work of them without invading.

I expect Iran to keep pushing for some reaction. But if it pushes too much and gets exposed doing so, then the backlash from its own people will be what does the job done in the end.

They are years away from getting the bomb. We have time to engage in this type of action to get our objectives. Let them sort it out if they can.
There's a growing suspicion (cf. Raw Story, the latest Newsweek et al) that the Shrubus Minimus has already ordered preparations for a covert war against Iraq and Syria. We don't know yet. But if he does, then it will be the clear duty of every member of the House and Senate to impeach, convict and imprison him. "That damned piece of paper" - The Decider's exact description of the Constitution - states clearly that only Congress has the power declare war.

Some here have said that we wouldn't attack Iran because it would be a stupid thing to do. Given this Administration's record over the last six years I find that that statement reassures me only slightly...

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