US Congress passes CAN-SPAM act


MTS Alumni
The US Congress passed the CAN-SPAM Act on Monday 8 December, which is expected to be signed into law by President Bush and take effect on 1 January 2004.
While end-user frustration with spam is at an all time high, many members of the email community including Sophos, a world leader in protecting businesses against viruses and spam, believe that the legislation has the potential to create confusion and encourage even more companies to send unsolicited emails.

The bill, known as CAN-SPAM ("Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing") proposes an 'opt-out' standard rather than the more vigorous "opt-in" process proposed by anti-spam experts such as Sophos.

"There is no indication that the CAN-SPAM Act will actually reduce the number of unwanted messages received by email users, particularly given the difficulty of tracking spammers and thus enforcing the legislation," said Jesse Dougherty, director of anti-spam development at Sophos. "The 'opt-out' provision actually stands to increase the number of unwanted messages received by email users because it essentially permits senders to legitimately send unsolicited commercial email as long as they provide recipients with a way to "opt-out" of future correspondence."

Under the terms of the proposed law, certain forms of spam will be legal. The bill states that spammers may send as many "commercial electronic mail messages" as they wish - provided that the messages are obviously advertisements with a valid US postal address, and an unsubscribe link is present at the bottom. It would then be the responsibility of every individual to unsubscribe from any mailing list they did not wish to receive spam from, rather than only legalising email from mailing lists to which users have explicitly chosen to "opt-in".
Lets see, if I remember right, it was designed by the direct mail folks, and supercedes stronger state-level laws.

Yup..this is certain to help...

-those selling spam filters

Make spam totally illegal in the US, those scumbags will just move overseas and out of US juristiction.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Lets see, if I remember right, it was designed by the direct mail folks, and supercedes stronger state-level laws.

Yup..this is certain to help...

-those selling spam filters

Make spam totally illegal in the US, those scumbags will just move overseas and out of US juristiction.


Yep. Nothing but a smokescreen - allows congress to pass a law controlling :rolleyes: something they know nothing about without having any real impact.
Originally posted by Spud
Yep. Nothing but a smokescreen - allows congress to pass a law controlling :rolleyes: something they know nothing about without having any real impact.

Originally posted by Technopunk
Under the terms of the proposed law, certain forms of spam will be legal. The bill states that spammers may send as many "commercial electronic mail messages" as they wish - provided that the messages are obviously advertisements with a valid US postal address, and an unsubscribe link is present at the bottom.

The main problem is the extremely annoying spammers love the "unsubscribe" links. If they can get a person to respond even if it is just to say "I don't want your stuff anymore", that tells them the email address is a live valid one, and they can sell these email addresses to other spammers.

No thanks.

- Ceicei
Another piece of legislation to "protect the citizens".
New Hampshire has passed legislation allowing insurance companies to base your health insurance rates on small groups of your type. This is supposed to allow rates to be lowered if your small group is healthy.
NOW FOR WHAT WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN. If one person has a major operation that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, (almost any heart operation) THE RATES FOR THE REST OF THE SMALL GROUP WILL GO THROUGH THE ROOF.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Lets see, if I remember right, it was designed by the direct mail folks, and supercedes stronger state-level laws.

Yup..this is certain to help...

-those selling spam filters

Make spam totally illegal in the US, those scumbags will just move overseas and out of US juristiction.


Can I stop the Spam in the Snail Mail also?

Now this would make feel better.
I'm mixed on this...

all I know is that I've had to quit even checking one of my e-mails because of the sheer volume of spam (between 50-150 new per day) that even got thru the filters...

...maybe it's just hotmail, but that ticked me off...
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
I'm mixed on this...

all I know is that I've had to quit even checking one of my e-mails because of the sheer volume of spam (between 50-150 new per day) that even got thru the filters...

...maybe it's just hotmail, but that ticked me off...
Yes Hot mail is bad, and they want you to buy their upgrade to prevent the spam. In this case I think it marketing on their side as well.

Also, I have had an issue with the e-mail I use with E-Bay. It is a yahoo, and it seems that I got a lot more spam after signing up to EBAY, and it has not stopped.

Oh Well