Uppercut to the ribs...

Sorry but is anyone else not buying the whole 13 year old black belt in multiple styles
Sorry meant to reply to you directly My dojo practices four styles of martial arts in three month rotations, We go May, June, July is MMA August, September, October is Kickboxing (my favorite) November, December, January Is Jujitsu and Febuary, March, April is Karate point sparring. Sorry for misleading I'm at black belt at this dojo and in order to pass the black belt ceremony you have to preform in all these styles proficiently... Sorry for the mislead.
Sorry but is anyone else not buying the whole 13 year old black belt in multiple styles

... nah.. that's OK.

The American Taekwondo Association hands out kid black belts all the time. I met a SEVEN year old who had made 1st degree black. Of course, he weight about 50 pounds, so...

The youth belt thing is a conundrum. Parents get their kids in MA of some kind for various reasons, and the kids -- some of them -- work their tails off and they get good at what they're doing. So, figure that in, and also figure in a "Tiny Tiger's" program or something for an American Karate school, then have a parallel thing for a kid's jujitsu school ... though going off the reservation that far for a BJJ thing might be stretching it.

But, back to his O/P, I think he, as was said above, only remember the floating rib shot, as it was probably quite effective. Those shots can ruin your afternoon. Maybe a cracked rib, or acartilage injury at the insertion point of the ribs. But the opposite side pain and spasming is most likely from shots he didn't remember. Hard sparring is like that.

See the Doc, get checked out. Not likely, but possible, there's a lacerated organ in here. Not very likely, but if so, it can ruin your whole year if not checked and corrected/treated timely..
PLEASE for the love of GOD!!!! stop telling this guy what "MIGHT" be wrong probably or not...we were not, and are not present to his situation, and anything you say is just an assumption which this guy (if he is a youngster) might take as truth and ignore going to a Dr. to get checked out....even if you are a Dr. you cant actually diagnose what is wrong with this guy from what he is posting....just get to a Dr. and go from there.

p.s. please keep us informed so we know you are ok.
PLEASE for the love of GOD!!!! stop telling this guy what "MIGHT" be wrong probably or not...we were not, and are not present to his situation, and anything you say is just an assumption which this guy (if he is a youngster) might take as truth and ignore going to a Dr. to get checked out....even if you are a Dr. you cant actually diagnose what is wrong with this guy from what he is posting....just get to a Dr. and go from there.
Basically every post stating what "might" be wrong also has some sort of statement saying we can't know, it's just a guess, and more importantly urging him to go to the doctor or tell his parents as soon as possible. Even if he does take what anyones diagnosis (even though no one has diagnosed) seriously, it is all things that, if he believes happened, he would have to see a doctor for.
Hello, I am a thirteen year old black belt in multiple styles such as Kickboxing Jujitsu MMA and Karate.
Last night I was boxing when I took a hard uppercut below the belt line (my floating rib and ribs above) And I didn't feel the pain at first, but now I feel it hard. Breathing hurts, I feel like I have a stomach bug, this is weird but my left kidney (I was punched in the right rib) is pounding like I I can put my hand on it and I vibrates my hand quite fast (this comes and goes), I also have a line that looks like rug burn where I was punched, probably the worst though is the general pain. Like I said it feels like I have a bad flu in that one area. Any thoughts are they bruised or something I iced it this morning and it went away for like maybe 6 mins, but now it's back and my rib on the other side of where I was punched is hurting a bit not as much but it has a sting to it
What's your point?
Do you have a question?
If you are truly experiencing the symptoms you describe, you should go to an emergency room and be seen by a doctor.
Even as an experienced nurse, I cannot assess you online. If you're really only 13 years old and you've really been injured as badly as you describe, you should be seen by a doctor...period.

"Re-stomp the groin"
Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
PLEASE for the love of GOD!!!! stop telling this guy what "MIGHT" be wrong probably or not...we were not, and are not present to his situation, and anything you say is just an assumption which this guy (if he is a youngster) might take as truth and ignore going to a Dr. to get checked out....even if you are a Dr. you cant actually diagnose what is wrong with this guy from what he is posting....just get to a Dr. and go from there.

p.s. please keep us informed so we know you are ok.
No doctors that I've ever worked with would post medical advice in a forum like this--for a number of reasons. You can rest assured no one trying to figure it out on here is an actual doctor or nurse.

"Re-stomp the groin"
Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
You can rest assured no one trying to figure it out on here is an actual doctor or nurse.

"Re-stomp the groin"
Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk
and you know this how??
and yet another assumption backed by no facts..
either way, i stand by my opinion.
PLEASE for the love of GOD!!!! stop telling this guy what "MIGHT" be wrong probably or not...we were not, and are not present to his situation, and anything you say is just an assumption which this guy (if he is a youngster) might take as truth and ignore going to a Dr. to get checked out....even if you are a Dr. you cant actually diagnose what is wrong with this guy from what he is posting....just get to a Dr. and go from there.

p.s. please keep us informed so we know you are ok.

Hello Everyone, Keeping you informed that yes they are bruised ribs I went to the doctor and that's what my doctor said... Best thing I can do is tough it out I've been playing soccer with my mates and that actually makes it feel better so I'm leaving to go play some footy in a bit. Thanks for the advise just letting you know they are just bruised ribs nothing serious and the kidney thing is a muscle spasm from where it was hit it kinda knocked it out of rhythm. But thank you for all your input I am fine now they are just bruised ribs.
Hello Everyone, Keeping you informed that yes they are bruised ribs I went to the doctor and that's what my doctor said... Best thing I can do is tough it out I've been playing soccer with my mates and that actually makes it feel better so I'm leaving to go play some footy in a bit. Thanks for the advise just letting you know they are just bruised ribs nothing serious and the kidney thing is a muscle spasm from where it was hit it kinda knocked it out of rhythm. But thank you for all your input I am fine now they are just bruised ribs.
happy to hear you went to the Dr.s, is there some kind of padding you can wear when sparring to cover or protect the ribs, i think the TKD guys have something like that, might be a good thing to invest in....no?
Hello Everyone, Keeping you informed that yes they are bruised ribs I went to the doctor and that's what my doctor said... Best thing I can do is tough it out I've been playing soccer with my mates and that actually makes it feel better so I'm leaving to go play some footy in a bit. Thanks for the advise just letting you know they are just bruised ribs nothing serious and the kidney thing is a muscle spasm from where it was hit it kinda knocked it out of rhythm. But thank you for all your input I am fine now they are just bruised ribs.
Yeah bruised ribs suck I remember I got them for the first time after about 5 sparring sessions And it was awful I can't even begin to think how much broken ribs would hurt

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