Senior Master
Just have to say the old gal is running like a thoroughbred. Of course if I had waited a week or two I could have gotten the faster processor for just a few dollars more than what I did buy, but I knew that was going to happen anyway.
Went ahead and tried the Edubuntu version of Linux and just too keep things nice and clean between Windoze and Linux I dropped in another little 80Gig Hard Drive just for the Linux install. Windows really hates not being the only option and has really intensified my desire to dump it 100%. The only problem is that I use some of the upper end software from Adobe and Corel and cannot find a version ported to Linux. Anybody know of a good VM or emulator out there? (being a cheap bugger, I want to use the versions I already have and not lay out the cha-ching for new ones you know.)
So far so great!! I went with Edubuntu because it comes with a bunch of educational things for the Ruffians, and has a really easy interface for them (and me.) My 4 and 5 year olds took to it like a fat guy to a Baskin-Robbins convention. The 7 year old likes it a lot so far and the 9 year old just wants me to dump Windows totally off their machine and put Edubuntu on it. That happens tomorrow! Plus the oldest one is excited about learning a different system than everybody else he knows. He has always marched to his own drummer, and it looks like computers will just follow that path as well. He likes to do things differently and when it comes right down to it, I think it gives him a big ego boost to show all his friends he knows something they don't, and then gets to be the little Professor teaching them.:ultracool:surfer:
I can say it is nowhere near the resource hog that Bill's porcine little bit of code is though. Even though Windows does move right along on dual-core 64 bit processing and a few Gig in RAM, it is a hog compared to what Linux does on the exact system. This thing flys.
Went ahead and tried the Edubuntu version of Linux and just too keep things nice and clean between Windoze and Linux I dropped in another little 80Gig Hard Drive just for the Linux install. Windows really hates not being the only option and has really intensified my desire to dump it 100%. The only problem is that I use some of the upper end software from Adobe and Corel and cannot find a version ported to Linux. Anybody know of a good VM or emulator out there? (being a cheap bugger, I want to use the versions I already have and not lay out the cha-ching for new ones you know.)
So far so great!! I went with Edubuntu because it comes with a bunch of educational things for the Ruffians, and has a really easy interface for them (and me.) My 4 and 5 year olds took to it like a fat guy to a Baskin-Robbins convention. The 7 year old likes it a lot so far and the 9 year old just wants me to dump Windows totally off their machine and put Edubuntu on it. That happens tomorrow! Plus the oldest one is excited about learning a different system than everybody else he knows. He has always marched to his own drummer, and it looks like computers will just follow that path as well. He likes to do things differently and when it comes right down to it, I think it gives him a big ego boost to show all his friends he knows something they don't, and then gets to be the little Professor teaching them.:ultracool:surfer:
I can say it is nowhere near the resource hog that Bill's porcine little bit of code is though. Even though Windows does move right along on dual-core 64 bit processing and a few Gig in RAM, it is a hog compared to what Linux does on the exact system. This thing flys.