I definitely want to know more about this plant. Is there a way you have to prepare it? I did a quick look and webmd had a lot to say about the Toxins.
This plant has been used for over 150 years in northern Europe. But the medical pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in destroying folk medicine and knowledge and using FUD to scare people away from first aid and folk medicine and pushing people into dependence on patented pill drugs. (I know it sounds like I am a tinfoil hat conspiracy nut... but i am not)
use an infusion (strong tea) of fresh or dried leaves, either to soak a part such as a sore finger or to dab on a cut with cotton. Crushed foliage can be applied externally, or a raw leaf rubbed on skin lesions such as rashes or bruises. Comfrey should not be applied to open wounds or broken skin.
The most common medicinal use of comfrey are in poultices to help heal swellings, inflammations and and injuries.
To make such a dressing, let the leaves mush up in hot water, squeeze out the excess liquid and wrap several handfuls of the hot, softened foliage in a clean cloth. Apply the pad to the affected part—comfortably hot, but not scalding—and cover the area with a thick folded towel to keep the heat in. The moist warmth enhances the healing effect of the allantoin.
Method 2.
To use comfrey externally, it may be made into a strong tea and used as a wash or it can be dried and used in an ointment or salve.
I.e. admit into a small amount of tigerbalm or bagbalm, or with dmso.
If used fresh, the bruised, fresh leaf is applied directly to the skin, and the cleansed, crushed root can be applied to a minor wound if desired. In minor burns, applying fresh comfrey leaf or root to the area can be helpful.
While I cannot give medical advice, because I do not "practice medicine" without a license i can only talk about my research and experimentation in personal studies. This does not constitute medical advice.
My personal studies have informed me of the following.
Liver toxicity is mitigated by discontinuation of use by day 10. Use for 10 days only. use the poultice or ointment/balm no more than 3 or 4 times daily.
As a side note....
Back in the day, Sven told me that several Russian botanists told him that they orally consumed a tea of comfrey (symphytum officinale) root or leaf extract, with no ill effects.
Sven said Russians are notorious vodka drinkers (a stereotype that is true more often than not) So liver health was very important to them.
Dosage was not more than half a tea spoon in 500ml water a day, to abstain from overburdening the liver.
1/2 tsp in 500 ml (about 1 & 3/4 cups of water.)