Professional fighting doesn't have anything to do with digging into your system and learning what is being applied to you. Everything that I'm talking about is done in training. That's where fighting skills are learned. Trying to dig deeper into a technique during a professional fight makes no sense.
In a professional fight, you are using skills that you already developed. You are using strategies that you have already learned. You aren't trying new stuff in a professional fight.
This is why I say that I always spar to learn.. When I was training with
@Tony Dismukes I put myself in positions that I wouldn't put myself in, if I was in a real fight or competitive fight. I also took the opportunity to use techniques that I though would address certain grappling situations. I was unsure if I was using the right technique. Why would I make that same decision in a competitive fight? I wouldn't. What I'm talking about must be done in training. It's like everything else. Why would I punch in a competitive fight if my punching skill is weak? I wouldn't. I would first train my punching skill in sparring and bring that punching skill to a level that can be used in professional fighting.
This is the learning path that even professional fighters take.. They train and they develop., then they compete.