Unique training methods


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
What is unique about the way you train or the way your instructor train you?
Cuong Nhu is very old school in many respects (it takes more then a year to get that Black Belt, for example). The tests, requirements, and training time is designed to weed-out who does and who doesnt what to be there. The highest drop out rate in the style is acctuly just before Black Belt.
As for me personnaly, well... were to start. I have found a fun way to combine Wing Chun and Filipino hand strikes, with lots of weird foot work based mostly on pseudo-Latin American Dancing (if you dont know what pseudo means for a fact, look it up or ask. Dont just assume).
What is unique about the way you train or the way your instructor train you?

Not sure about unique, but the weirdest conditioning drill we ever did in class was something i called "muddy step pushing pole" - a two person exercise where both ppl face each other, each supporting an end of a ~16cm diameter (6"?) wooden log. They wedge this log into thier abdomen at the level of the Dan tien and then one person tries to push the other back using a particular style of footwork called muddy stepping. The other person, predictably enough, tries to resist. When they get to the end of the room, they swap roles and return.
I guess by CMA standards it's not that unusual an exercise... but i'd never come across anything like that before.
hmmm sumthing called tiger push up hehehe, it really push your entire body. a great worlout.
Unique Training Methods

8 Hits (made this name up):
Imagine striking an opponent and leaving your last strike in place. Your parter blocks your last strike and counters. You block your partner's last strike and strike twice. Keep this up until you counter with 5 to 8 hits. You move back and forth building momentum as you attack and block each other with spontaneous strikes (similar to a free flow drill in escrima).

Do or Die (made this name up as well):
The instructor makes up do multiple kicks and punches against focus mitts or squat kicks against a padded shield then perform a familiar technique. Doing a self defense technique when your calm is pretty simple, but doing them when exhausted can be challenging.