Brown Belt
Was searching the web for Defensive Tactics related information and some how ended up on a Bando(?) site with this quote.
"No system is completely unique. No system is completely independent from external and internal influences. Every system evolves over time by integration, modification and restructuring, resulting in what we then call "uniqueness." Overtime, this unique system will also change."
[His Holiness the Venerable Amaraqura Sayadaw, 1910]
I don't know who Mr. Sayadaw is but I like the statement. Not trying to say that everybody's martial art is unique to them but I wonder how much a system changes over the years, especially the ones reputed to be hundreds of years old; would MA recognize techniques that are the "same" practiced by another MA from the past?
"No system is completely unique. No system is completely independent from external and internal influences. Every system evolves over time by integration, modification and restructuring, resulting in what we then call "uniqueness." Overtime, this unique system will also change."
[His Holiness the Venerable Amaraqura Sayadaw, 1910]
I don't know who Mr. Sayadaw is but I like the statement. Not trying to say that everybody's martial art is unique to them but I wonder how much a system changes over the years, especially the ones reputed to be hundreds of years old; would MA recognize techniques that are the "same" practiced by another MA from the past?