UN ARMS Treaty is bad news for Americans.


Master Black Belt
Obama and Hilary are going to make sure, 1 way or another to BAN firearms. Their track record says it all.

Whether you believe or OWN a firearm or not, this will affect you. This will put the US CONSTITUTION in the worlds hands to change and modify as the world seems fit. Starting with the Second Amendment.

DO NOT BE FOOLED. This could be the beginning of our rights be decided by foriegn countries. (IRAN AND VENEZUALA for this case)

OBAMA 100% supports this treaty.

oh, and remember: "YES WE CAN"


PS. IRAN is in charge of this treaty... be affraid.


27 NOV is just around the corner.

Write your senator and congressman to oppose this treaty.
So what, W and Dick started a travel agency that can send you on an extended trip to the Caribbean for no reason at all. You don't get to keep your gun there either...
Obama and Hilary are going to make sure, 1 way or another to BAN firearms. Their track record says it all.

In spite of all the rhetoric bandied about over the notion that President Obama wants to "take your guns", I don't believe he has said or done anything so far to support such a claim. I believe it's been a non-issue.
You could ask the 300 murdered Mexican citizens and 2 federal agents killed by U.S supplied rifles from the obama administration in the attempt to create the image of American guns killing Mexican citizens, except, they're dead. Look up Fast and Furious and what eric "Americans are cowards" holder did to push the anti-gun agenda...
You could ask the 300 murdered Mexican citizens and 2 federal agents killed by U.S supplied rifles from the obama administration in the attempt to create the image of American guns killing Mexican citizens, except, they're dead. Look up Fast and Furious and what eric "Americans are cowards" holder did to push the anti-gun agenda...


you are such a tool.
Obama and Hilary are going to make sure, 1 way or another to BAN firearms. Their track record says it all.

Whether you believe or OWN a firearm or not, this will affect you. This will put the US CONSTITUTION in the worlds hands to change and modify as the world seems fit. Starting with the Second Amendment.
DO NOT BE FOOLED. This could be the beginning of our rights be decided by foriegn countries. (IRAN AND VENEZUALA for this case)
OBAMA 100% supports this treaty.
oh, and remember: "YES WE CAN"
PS. IRAN is in charge of this treaty... be affraid.
27 NOV is just around the corner.
Write your senator and congressman to oppose this treaty.

Uh, no. I'm not in favor of this treaty, but I'm against it based on the real provisions it has in it that I do not like.

However, I'm not going to believe false rumors.


From your link, I get this:

The world body has already been criticized for appointing Iran to a key role in the talks, even as Tehran stands accused by the UN of arming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's bloody crackdown on rebels.

I don't like that. But it does not say that Iran is 'in charge' of the talks. So that claim is false.

It also says:

While the treaty’s details are still under discussion, the document could straitjacket U.S. foreign policy to the point where Washington could be restricted from helping arm friends such as Taiwan and Israel, said Greg Suchan, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs from 2000 to 2007.

Suchan also highlighted ongoing concern that the treaty may end up giving foreigners access to U.S. gun-ownership records.

I don't like those provisions, either.

But again, that's not the same as US citizens being forced to obey UN rules or laws.

I'm against the treaty, but I'll stick to the truth for my objections to same.
In spite of all the rhetoric bandied about over the notion that President Obama wants to "take your guns", I don't believe he has said or done anything so far to support such a claim. I believe it's been a non-issue.

This is right up there with the birthers? Just last night it was reported that there is no proof of a single gun being taken or any legislation designed to do that but gun sales right after Obama was elected sales went up by 40% nation wide infact a raiting given by the people who promoted the Brady Bill legislation gives grades to people related to thier gun control record gave Obama an F in all catagories and likened him to the greates friend of the NRA over any previous Republican or George W period.

and Billy get off Fast and Furious and Mexico you don't have the facts right your like the cable company wanting to bundle services each time we refuse your info you hold up a puppy(Mexico) cute but still dosn't work
In spite of all the rhetoric bandied about over the notion that President Obama wants to "take your guns", I don't believe he has said or done anything so far to support such a claim. I believe it's been a non-issue.

During his election he said that he would support an Assault Weapon Ban type of legislation, and that was reiterated early in his term.

But since his election he has only signed legislation that opened federal parks and refuges to the carrying of firearms. I think it would be fair to say that was probably not a favored result, since it was appended to the Credit Card Reform Act, but he did sign it.

I think he knows if he does try to go after firearms directly in US legislation that not only will it not pass, but those coattails will be a huge negative for the other Democrats up for election.
You really should get the facts before trying to share information with others. When the facts come out, it looks like you were just slandering and attacking because of political affiliation.
Tell Brian Terry's family that fast and furious is cute
See just what I mean if not a puppy trying to divert attention to real issue hold up dead body and eploit famly of dead loved one to gain favor for political gain the issue is not Terry's famly it the lie that Obama never took any guns away and read the stats he is the best friend NRA ever had and according to the Brady Bill report card he go F's on all level.

You cry for one man but think nothing of 50,000 killed by you and and people like you
See just what I mean if not a puppy trying to divert attention to real issue hold up dead body and eploit famly of dead loved one to gain favor for political gain the issue is not Terry's famly it the lie that Obama never took any guns away and read the stats he is the best friend NRA ever had and according to the Brady Bill report card he go F's on all level.

More reasons not to trust the Brady Campaign, since they've been known to fib on a regular basis.

How about some concrete facts, when it comes to the right of the people to keep and bear arms, along with self-defense? If you read the link, you'll see that he's certainly tried throughout the years.


President Obama knows that he can't try to ramrod legislation through, since he doesn't have the votes in the Senate, and especially not the House. There are a fair number of pro-gun Democrats in the Senate who would gladly vote against his gun control agenda. Even back in 2009 when there were large majorities of D's in both chambers, he couldn't get things done, since a lot of the Democrats who had won in the sweeping victories were a lot more conservative than what Pelosi and co. would have liked.

You cry for one man but think nothing of 50,000 killed by you and and people like you

Specifics? I would discourage people from painting with a broad brush here...
See just what I mean if not a puppy trying to divert attention to real issue hold up dead body and eploit famly of dead loved one to gain favor for political gain the issue is not Terry's famly it the lie that Obama never took any guns away and read the stats he is the best friend NRA ever had and according to the Brady Bill report card he go F's on all level.

You cry for one man but think nothing of 50,000 killed by you and and people like you

I could care less about Obama and his gun laws or the Brady people. I do care when people make stupid comments about a dead police officer calling it cute.

As for the rest of your nonsense i have no idea what your talking about but I've killed 1 person in my life so I'm way away from 50000.
It is dead for now, but the grabbers never stop, they never give up...


The United Nations indefinitely suspended action on an international arms trade treaty Friday after the United States and several other countries asked for more time.


Frankly, Obama didn’t have much choice. A majority of 51 Senators had already signed a letter promising to vote against ratification if the treaty covered “small arms” and/or “light weapons,” which the draft treaty does — in fact, it explicitly includes “small arms and light weapons” in Article 2, Section A1h. Obama could have signed this draft a hundred times, and it still would have had no chance of passing in its current form. Had the UN struck that provision, this treaty might have won the required 67 votes for approval in the Senate, and it still would have been a big step forward in arms control … at least on paper.
The problems with this treaty mirror those of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty: it sets up a UN agency that has no teeth, where enforcement ends up being a game between the West on one side and Russia and China on the other. Meanwhile, North Korea has already gone nuclear, and Iran isn’t too far away, while Russia and China protect their client states and the West vainly tries to enforce the agreement. This would have put the US in the same position, only this treaty would have the force of law inside the US, which would mean we would bind ourselves to its terms while the rest of the world’s kleptocrats and tyrants would ignore it.

Thank you National Rifle Association for your efforts to protect the 2nd ammendment and the rule of law in the United States...

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