UK Government Says More Spying Needed

Bob Hubbard

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UK Government Says More Spying Needed 2008-10-11 01:32 Posted by timothy on Saturday October 11, @01:32AM

from the need-to-make-up-for-the-losses dept.

An anonymous reader writes "Our wonderful government here in the UK has decided we're not being surveilled enough, and agreed to spend £12 billion on a programme to monitor every Briton's phone calls, e-mails, and internet usage. According to various sources, upwards of £1 billion has already been spent on the uber-database. Rationale? Terrorism, of course (no prizes for guessing). Needless to say, not everyone is as happy as Larry over this: Michael Parker pointed out how us Brits are being 'stalked.' I'm just looking forward to when the data gets lost."

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