UFC: Sanchez, Wilks, and Pearson win at TUF 9 Finale

Clark Kent

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In an entertaining night of fights Diego Sanchez grinded out a decision over Clay Guida, James Wilks and Ross Pearson made it a UK sweep in the finals and more.

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Sanchez and Guida was the best fight and man did Wilkes make a fast fight with Johnson. Johnson looked like he did not know what hit him.
Yeah, I didn't think that Wilkes would dominate like he did - he made Johnson look like an amateur.

The Guida/Sanchez fight was incredible - the opening 30 seconds was the craziest action I think I have ever seen in an MMA fight.

Diaz/Stevenson was another good fight. Really gotta hand it to Joe - he looked as sharp as he has ever been. Pwned Diaz without a doubt.
Chuffed for Ross, but sad for Dre.
Nobody commenting on their fight?

The fight was just boring as far as entertainment goes, tech. wise it was a battle but who reallywants techs. when you want blood and action. No sour grapes at all on my part.
Mmm, not sour grapes then as with sherdog and others because it was two Brits?

nah. It was a boring fight-they were well matched, and it was basically a stalemate for much of it-in the end, I didn't care much who won the decision either way...zzzzz...

On the other hand, I don't see how anyone could score the Sanchez-Guida fight for Guida. That judge must have still been sleeping from the Pearson-Winner fight, or one of those "Nightmare" haters....:lol:
After the first week of TUF, I liked the whole England team better then the U.S team except for Bispig. Last night card was one of the best fight cards in a while.
After the first week of TUF, I liked the whole England team better then the U.S team except for Bispig. Last night card was one of the best fight cards in a while.

Bisping made his pro debut on our show, if you think he's arrogant you should see his father!!

Terry i'm not being funny but saying that you want blood in an MMA fight perpertuates the thing about MMA being 'human cock fighting', yep blood happens but please don't look for it!

The chaps on sherdog weren't happy with it being a Brit final between Winner and Pearson though. It probably shows that we like our fights technical not brawling here. We don't find them any more boring than TMA people find kumite competitions boring ( no I don't find them boring either)
Terry i'm not being funny but saying that you want blood in an MMA fight perpertuates the thing about MMA being 'human cock fighting', yep blood happens but please don't look for it!

Tez not trying to make it look like a cock fight, but lets get real here OK most people are there to see blood and action, not all but the majority. I myself loved the technical side to the fight but was answering your question and also saying what alot of folks around me was saying about the fight. Sorry if I offended you or anybody else just telling it like it really is.
The fight was just boring as far as entertainment goes, tech. wise it was a battle but who reallywants techs. when you want blood and action. No sour grapes at all on my part.
I genuinely hope that Terryl965 is wrong with the above statement. If it's sour grapes because of two brits on one hand, vs boredom at technique and a lack of unabashed violence on the other hand... I'll take sour grapes, please. :)

I saw this fight, but am going to watch it again. It was very late and we had guests who brought wine... so I honestly can't remember anything other then that it went to a decision. :D

I think it's because you guys talk funny. If I ever hear a brit say that Americans butcher the Queen's English... ;)
Terry i'm not being funny but saying that you want blood in an MMA fight perpertuates the thing about MMA being 'human cock fighting', yep blood happens but please don't look for it!

Tez not trying to make it look like a cock fight, but lets get real here OK most people are there to see blood and action, not all but the majority. I myself loved the technical side to the fight but was answering your question and also saying what alot of folks around me was saying about the fight. Sorry if I offended you or anybody else just telling it like it really is.

Good grief, you never offend me!!

I'm very defensive about our MMA lol and we are trying so hard here to make it not seem like a bloodfest and attract the wrong people in through the doors. I know in boxing you get blood but it's not taken as being the point of boxing.

When I reffed the other week, one of the fighters got his nose popped and we were swimming in blood, the fighters looked like Bambi on roller skates! I had to stop the fight to get it mopped and the nose fixed, went okay after that though lol!
I genuinely hope that Terryl965 is wrong with the above statement. If it's sour grapes because of two brits on one hand, vs boredom at technique and a lack of unabashed violence on the other hand... I'll take sour grapes, please. :)

I think he is, though it might be an element of this. The fact is, though, the Pearson-Winner match was simply boring-technically excellent, but largely a stalemate. The Diaz-Stephenson fight, for example, was not particularly bloody, and just as technical, but had a much more exciting pace; even though Diaz spent most of the time on the defensive, there were enough opportunities there for him to make it more interesting than one fighter simply dominating another.

THe Sanchez-Guida fight, on the other hand, while certainly bloody, also had some technical grappling in addition to "unabashed violence," and they were made no less intersting by the blood-a little gross for some, maybe, but no less interesting-or exciting.

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