From a Boxing Site obviously...
"Well, its official: the UFC is now a mainstream sport in America. With the Mandalay Bay selling out for the Ken Shamrock vs. Tito Ortiz card July 8, it has become evident that the UFC is no longer the underground freak sport that it was just ten years ago. As a matter of fact, the sport is gaining so much momentum that some experts are saying it could lead to the demise of boxing! However, my fellow boxing fans, fear not. The UFC will NEVER and I mean NEVER pose a long term threat to the sweet science, and in this article, I will show the many, many reasons why."
One interesting thing he slaims is this bit:
"Just think about it: starting a boxing gym is a pretty safe bet to make money. In addition to having people who actually want to box, you have people coming just to get in shape. Starting a UFC gym is so much more risky because people wont be coming in to shed pounds. Business would depend on hard core male fighters who would have to be willing to sacrifice a year of their life to learn enough to take part in a fight. "
Is that true? Is a MMA gym really that impractical compared to a Boxing Gym?
"Well, its official: the UFC is now a mainstream sport in America. With the Mandalay Bay selling out for the Ken Shamrock vs. Tito Ortiz card July 8, it has become evident that the UFC is no longer the underground freak sport that it was just ten years ago. As a matter of fact, the sport is gaining so much momentum that some experts are saying it could lead to the demise of boxing! However, my fellow boxing fans, fear not. The UFC will NEVER and I mean NEVER pose a long term threat to the sweet science, and in this article, I will show the many, many reasons why."
One interesting thing he slaims is this bit:
"Just think about it: starting a boxing gym is a pretty safe bet to make money. In addition to having people who actually want to box, you have people coming just to get in shape. Starting a UFC gym is so much more risky because people wont be coming in to shed pounds. Business would depend on hard core male fighters who would have to be willing to sacrifice a year of their life to learn enough to take part in a fight. "
Is that true? Is a MMA gym really that impractical compared to a Boxing Gym?