U2 Concert


Master Black Belt
Hey all-

I was able to break away for the first time since my daughter was born and go to the U2 (my favorite group) concert the other night with my brother. :-partyon: My hubby watched the kids for me- we were gone from 3pm-2:30am....so that was very cool of him. We drove 2 1/2 hous to get to the city they were playing in- saw them in the shark tank, San Jose, CA.

Anyway, the concert was awesome as usual!! This was my 5th time seeing them in concert. Have any of you ever been to one of their concerts? Which one and what did you think? Anyone also get to see them this time around?
I went to a U2 concert ... jeez ... it had to be before my oldest son was born so ... at least 16 years ago. *shudder* I don't remember which tour - I think it was after the album AFTER the Joshua Tree album came out. It was AWESOME! I'd go again!
Tulisan- Yes!! You MUST go sometime- it's quite the experience.

Arnisador- they span quite a range of fans having been around for so long...My son seems to like them too....and he is only 3!! He heard them at a concert while in utero and I guess that started it all!! :)

Shesula- Not sure exactly which one that would have been....maybe the Actung Tour. I went to that one twice cuz they had two concerts right near us.

Must say....tickets are getting quite pricey though!!
How cool, Shodan! :supcool: I'm so jealous--I've loved U2's music for years, but haven't been able to go to a concert yet. One of these days...
Shodan said:
Tulisan- Yes!! You MUST go sometime- it's quite the experience.

Arnisador- they span quite a range of fans having been around for so long...My son seems to like them too....and he is only 3!! He heard them at a concert while in utero and I guess that started it all!! :)

Shesula- Not sure exactly which one that would have been....maybe the Actung Tour. I went to that one twice cuz they had two concerts right near us.

Must say....tickets are getting quite pricey though!!
Very true about the price of tickets but to me it would be worth the price to see true musicians live in concert than any of today's "artists". I would have gladly paid the $250.00 to see Paul McCartney this year in Chicago. For me a Beatles geek, it would have been money well spent. All the best, Steve

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