U.S. Religious Landscape Survey

Interesting. Describes the obvious, such as....there are a good number of Jewish and Catholic folks in NY/MA, and there are a lot of Mormon folks in Utah. :D

Also gets a bit in to the demographics. Nearly two-thirds of Evangelical Protestants have no children....interesting because Evangelical Protestants were among those standing the strongest against gay marriage, claiming "the Bible says 'marry and multiply' " as their reason.
What surprised me when I found out about it was how few Jews are in the U.S. As of this survey, 1.7%. Based on the visibility of Jews in professional life, politics, the media and even faith gatherings, one would expect a much higher number. That is to their great credit.
A very interesting site indeed... useful for the theological discussions held here from time to time.

Thanks for that... good find.
Also gets a bit in to the demographics. Nearly two-thirds of Evangelical Protestants have no children....interesting because Evangelical Protestants were among those standing the strongest against gay marriage, claiming "the Bible says 'marry and multiply' " as their reason.
I noticed that, too, but then I noticed their rate was exactly equal to the US national average (no more, no less). Since the survey was, specifically, asking about 'children living at home', I suspect this has more to do with age than with total number of children.