U.S. airline pilot sues to get off terror watch list


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Seen- here

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania - A commercial airline pilot and convert to Islam who says his name is on the U.S. government's secret terrorist watch list has fought back, filing a federal lawsuit against the Homeland Security Department and various other federal agencies.
Erich Scherfen says that unless his name is removed the list, he faces losing not only his job but the ability to make a living in his chosen profession.
"My livelihood depends on being off this list," Scherfen told reporters Tuesday after his lawyers filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Harrisburg.

There's more and more of this all the time.......thoughts?
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There's more and more of this all the time.......thoughts?

This thing is a twisted ****ing joke. No transparency, no accountability, no procedures, and thousands of perfectly innocent people with chance name matches to others on the list who can't fly and who also can't get themselves off the list or get an exception of some kind. All of this, and there isn't the slightest evidence that it is even slightly effective. After all, known terrorists and extremists aren't really going to be foolish enough to fly under their own name.
It's for our own good. The FBI is going to be authorized starting in October to do warrantless investigations, and that can only help make us even more secure from those evil terrorist bastards who would destroy our freedoms and who curse us for all those rights we have.

It's a good thing we have these secret lists with over a million American's on them. After all, if we didn't, how would we know who the bad guys are? Ok, so we gave up a few freedoms, but we're alot safer now since we haven't had any terrorist attacks in the US since 2001. I mean, look at how many we had in the decades prior.
It's for our own good. The FBI is going to be authorized starting in October to do warrantless investigations, and that can only help make us even more secure from those evil terrorist bastards who would destroy our freedoms and who curse us for all those rights we have.

It's a good thing we have these secret lists with over a million American's on them. After all, if we didn't, how would we know who the bad guys are? Ok, so we gave up a few freedoms, but we're alot safer now since we haven't had any terrorist attacks in the US since 2001. I mean, look at how many we had in the decades prior.

Yeah, who needs rights and freedoms when we can have security from the terrorists. Now if only there was a way to stop the media from reporting all of our weaknesses, and showing the holes in our security, and stop people from trying to protect themselves and let the government do it, we'll all be much safer.:shrug:
{looks about suspiciously}With all the irony floating about here, are you sure you chaps aren't English? :lol:.

Full marks for political clarity in your thinking. Maybe there's hope for America after all - as long as you can avoid getting in a hot war anytime soon and stop all that pesky vote rigging :D.
Vote rigging? In the US? Never happens. Just because the machines used in a few places have a way of not counting every vote and we have "visually special" people counting the paper, doesn't mean anything was rigged.

I for one will feel even safer if we could just do way with these elections and start mandating that our ID numbers be tatooed on our foreheads for easier access by all of the honest and loyal DHS Freedom Protectors.
...our ID numbers be tatooed on our foreheads...

I call THX-1138!
It's crazy. Have we learned nothing from the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII? Now this guy is on the list because of his religion?
Hmm. . . combine this with the idea of arming pilots . . . if I were him, I would apply for a permit just to freak the "powers that be" out!

Is it technically possible to hijack your own plane?
Vote rigging? In the US? Never happens. Just because the machines used in a few places have a way of not counting every vote and we have "visually special" people counting the paper, doesn't mean anything was rigged.

I for one will feel even safer if we could just do way with these elections and start mandating that our ID numbers be tatooed on our foreheads for easier access by all of the honest and loyal DHS Freedom Protectors.


I vote for scanable bar codes on the foreheads and USB ports in the side of our necks to help out with brainwashing. :BSmeter:
I'm sure it's been discussed in Congress sometime in the last 7 years.

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