Two self defense related seminars in TX

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
A thread in the Modern Arnis forum talks about these seminars, however because the are more self defense related I thought I would post them here to see if anyone is interested in attending them. These are open to anyone from novice to instructors.

I am proud to be helping to sponsor two self defense related seminars for GM Dieter Knuttel from Germany. The first seminar/class will cover the Use of a Ballpoint Pen for self defense and a segment on Self Defense at a Table.

GM Dieter Knuttel will demonstrate and teach the finer points of how to use a ball point pen in different self-defense situations. The main purpose will be to show the possibilities of a ball point pen which are much wider than just using the ballpoint pen to punch someone with.

For the table top self defense class GM Dieter will teach strategies and techniques to get out of a situation where you are sitting at a table/bar/desk and someone wants to touch or grab you, or they want to be closer to you than you are comfortable with. You will learn how to outsmart the aggressor and to defend yourself if needed.

Basic Info
Thursday May 21st
Roanoke Recreation Center
Roanoke TX.

Cost is $35.00

Sign up in person or online at
or ask questions here and IÂ’ll gladly answer them.

The second seminar will be on Sunday May 24th at the Richardson YMCA and will cover empty hand self defense against a stick, and if time, defense against a baseball bat and defense using a flexible weapon.

Topic 1
Empty Hand defense against a stick. GM Dieter will teach the fundamental principles on how to effectively deal with a potentially dangerous situation of facing an aggressor with a stick. GM Knuttel will be teaching techniques and principles from Modern arnis. Along with the empty hand disarms some throws and take downs will be added into the techniques.

Topic 2
How to use flexible tools to disarm your opponent. Flexible tools can be a jacket, T-shirt, a belt, even a plastic bag. This lesson will be easy to follow because it will the same principles with similar techniques as the first lesson.

Topic 3
Defending against a baseball bat attack. Similar to defending against a stick, yet this subject has its own strategy, principles and techniques that will help learn how to defend against this weapon safely.

Basic Info
May 24th 1:30p.m.-4:30p.m.
Richardson YMCA
821 Custer Road
Richardson TX 75080

Cost $25.00

Once again please post here if you have any questions and IÂ’ll be glad to answer them.

The YMCA seminar is being hosted by the American Karate Tae Kwon Do Association, which IÂ’m indebted to for their help in organizing the seminar.

And to read more about Dieter you can check out his website at

Thank You
Mark Lynn

Thanks! We are going to need it. Frankly I think this will be great, we are getting responses from different groups of people. I've got mother's who have expressed interest to attend with thier daughters, a dad whose expressed interest to attend with his daughter, some adult students have expressed interest, and some other instructors have indicated they are planning to come to the Thursday class.

On Sunday mostly TKD/karate students and instructors have expressed interest. Since it is a just show up and pay at the door thing on Sunday there is no way to know how well of a turnout we will have until that day.
