At what rank would you say a student would typically
be effective? I don't feel effective right now, yet my instructor
brought up a good point ... he said, "How do you think you'd
fair in a fight against yourself, 1 year ago" ... I'd kick my a$$!
but I'm not a violent street attacker, or a guy hooked on drugs,
or a we be robber or rapist. I know everyone is different, but
say on average .. what belt level would you think that they'd
be effective?
Me personally .. I don't know that I'd use techniques on anyone,
or even look to. I think I'd probably fight the way I always have,
just modified. Definitely would use marriage of gravity, and knees
and elbows, which I didn't do before. I'd like to think I'd pay
more attention to his centerline and my own, and do my best
to step out of the circle when attacked. So I'd use some kenpo.
I hope!