I wrote this poem a few years ago and posted it somewhere.
Thought I would update and revive it, this time giving it it's own thread.
i hope you enjoy:
Thought I would update and revive it, this time giving it it's own thread.
i hope you enjoy:
T’was some days before Christmas and all through the forum​
People were posting like crazy with taste and decorum​
The mods hung their stockings by the server with care​
In hopes that St. Hubbard would actually fill them this year!

The members were nestled with their noses in threads,​
While visions of MA danced in their heads;​
Bob was working furiously on keeping things running​
And wondering where he’d be getting the funding.​
When out in MT there arose such a clatter,​
He sprang to the computer to see what was the matter.​
Away to mod forum he flew like a flash,​
He couldn’t believe what he saw in a flash​
That his members were happy and full of good cheer​
Using appropriate smilies and discussing the year​
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,​
dressed as an elf, it was Kreth and he was handing out beer :drinkbeer​
Our fearless leader, is so lively and quick,​
Knew the mods he had hired were quite a good pick​
They would post all the warnings and lock any threads​
And send all the bad guys straight to their beds. ​
So with pride he whistled, he shouted, and called them by name;​
‘Now on, Georgia! now, Lisa on MJS and Jade Tigress!​
On Terry, Andrew, and Big Shadow and Kacey​
(and all the others that don’t fit into the poem!)​
To the top of the forums and all through the year​
Keep the content on track and the bar stocked with beer :drinky:​
With 3000 plus members to Martial Talks credit​
There was much to read and a lot to edit​
But tonight was different for I cannot explain​
There wasn’t a troll or a smite or bad name​
We were posting about peace and joy and good cheer ​
While eating some goodies and drinking Bob’s Beer :cheers:​
For we all felt compelled to be thankful, for all we hold dear​
And wish all of mankind a peaceful new year​
All of us are not fortunate to share our holiday season​
With all our loved ones for what ever the reason​
Take time to reflect​
Time to hug and forgive​
And learn from each other to love and let live​
And before I end this sad little poem​
May your season be merry and may you all safely get home​
‘Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.​