Turning axe kick

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The turning axe kick,,,paro naeryo chagi (or something?), like a paro chagi turning hook/whip kick. It can be an awsome defensive manouver if correctly executed, and an elusive offensive if properly engaged. Has anyone had any experience with this kick in sparring? Have you ever used it?
I have seen people use it with great success, but I`m having some problems with it myself in actual sparring.
Most people have trouble with the chamber.Personaly I like to do the turning portion with my leg chambered in push kick position.At the end of the spin I then extend and drive down.It takes alot of hip flexability to be able to turn through the entire motion in a fully extended axe kick position.Kids can do this well, but they are like rubber bands!
One mans opinion:EG:
I had learned this kick about 30 years ago as a defensive move against someone who rushed at you. We where first taught it by learning to turnas if running away and at the last moment we would spin trowing the leg almost it a front leg strecth as we turned so that it was starting it's downward movement as the hips finished their twist.
Its been a long time hope the discription is understandable.