Not true, although I wish it were. While anyone can run an event under WTF rules, in order to participate in an actual WTF sponsored event, you must hold Kukkiwon rank.

First, do you believe it's impossible to get Kukkiwon rank if you don't belong to a Kukkiwon school?

Second, there are any number of tournaments using the WTF ruleset that don't require competitors to have Kukkiwon rank. Actual WTF sanctioned events like the Olympics or World Championships require the Kukkiwon rank, but less than 1% of all taekwondoin will ever compete at anywhere near that level.
A school could be any type of TKD or TSD (or pretty much any style for that matter) and participate in WTF events. WTF "style" refers to a competition rule-set as opposed to a style of Taekwondo. A school doesn't have to be Kukkiwon to compete under WTF rules.

Not true, although I wish it were. While anyone can run an event under WTF rules, in order to participate in an actual WTF sponsored event, you must hold Kukkiwon rank.

First, do you believe it's impossible to get Kukkiwon rank if you don't belong to a Kukkiwon school?

Absolutely not. In its role as The Borg, the Kukkiwon has long offered assimilation rank to people from other TKD orgs. Often, without even requiring a test or any confirmation that the person knows the Kukkiwon curriculum. Not to practitioners of other styles (such as CMA or JMA or even non-TKD KMA).

Second, there are any number of tournaments using the WTF ruleset that don't require competitors to have Kukkiwon rank.

Absolutely. See up there where I said exactly that? Of course, those are not WTF events, by definition.

Actual WTF sanctioned events like the Olympics or World Championships require the Kukkiwon rank, but less than 1% of all taekwondoin will ever compete at anywhere near that level.

Agreed. However, you said (and I quoted it again, in case you forgot) that you could enter WTF events without Kukkiwon ranking. This is simply not true, although I do wish it were. I'd much prefer to see Olympic competition open to all practitioners. I'd also like to see hands used. But it ain't going to happen.