True Stories (Inspired by the Trained Attacker Thread)


Yellow Belt

I wanted to start a discussion about potential or real self defense situations that have happened to folks and what they did or did not do.

I'll go first (this happened back in Aug of 2005, reposted from an old thread of mine from private discussion group)

I woke up at 5 A.M to go run down the road from where I live. The moon was still out and full so I could see where I was going rather than it being darker than sin as it usually is that time of morning. (Did I mention that I live somewhat in the sticks and that there are no streetlight down said road?) Anyway I was coming up almost to the turn around point which is 2 miles from my house when a car cruised past me going slow. They didn't stop so I thought nothing of it other than it was a bit odd. I reach the turn around point and start huffing it back when I look up to see the car that had passed me was turning around about 1000 yards up the direction I just came from and headed back my way.
These are the thoughts that ran through my mind in like .5 seconds " Uh oh here it comes/ or does it?/ maybe they have a legit reason for turning around/ probably not/ don't assume/okay what do I have nearby to use if needed?/gravel from the ground on the shoulder/the BFI garbage can I just ran by/ why did'nt I think to bring some kind of equalizer?/ best thing to do is dive into the woods if I get a bad vibe before they get too close/ worse case is I will look like an idiot/ okay, so thats it - I dive into the woods/ here they come....."
So at this point the car is slowing down as it comes closer down the road toward me, I am doing a walking jog to faciliate diving into the woods and just as they pass me about a heartbeat before I jump - (the car window is rolled down BTW) I hear;
"You - enter expletive - " and they speed away.
Needless to say I made record time getting back to my house with out any further incidents.

So heres' the deal...............
when I run out by my house I am prepared to deal with dogs getting loose or some jerk in a car coming too close to me as I run - I have some situational awareness. But this morning I had to create an impromptu plan of action based on a situation I was ill prepared to deal with. I am a little bothered by it and am glad things didn't turn out worse.

I still run by my house. These days I carry a folder or a "walking stick". Since then nothing close has happened again.

Hello, Prevention's are better than cures. The book "GIFT OF FEAR" is a must read.

For those who trust their instincts....and follow them...will live longer. Kage-roin trusted his instincts......Do you follow yours?

Believe and trust your INSTINCTS!!!!! .........Aloha
I just posted in a similar thread in the Karate forum. *cut&paste*

One story comes to mind. This happened some years ago when I was a white belt.

When I returned home late friday night around midnight after eating dinner with some friends, I discovered I had forgot to post an important letter. I slid my boots back on without tying them properly (the nearest mailbox was under five minutes walk away) and went to post it. Doing a shortcut I walked trough an alley and under some scaffolding into the main street. While under the scaffold I heard someone running lightly behind me. I think I recognice the footsteps of my brother and thinking he probably wants to scare me I decide to play along. Catching up with me, the person jumps onto my back. I spin around and slide him off but get my back against the wall in the process. However it is not my brother, and he is not alone either having a nerveous looking buddy with him and circling me. " Do you have money?" asks the leader, "Give us your money!" Well I don`t have any money on me but I am not about to be bullied and even in the dark I can tell they are not too sure of themselves. I do a front kick against the leader, causing him to jump back. His buddy also steps back and I take the opportunity to move out from the wall. Next they both appear to be pulling something from their pockets. "****! these guys got knives" I think and consider running. However my boots are not tied properly (STUPID!) so I`d very likely trip myself. I back away slowly, positioning me so I can face them one at a time. Next I am smacked in the face and shoulder by belts, not knives. As it was very dark I was unable to block or see what they in fact were pulling out. Now this only stings a bit and they appear to be waiting for my reaction instead of pressing the attack. Do these punks think I am an old woman or something? I nearly lose my temper and attack but I remind myself that would not be self defence. Instead I take a step towards them and in my most commanding drill sergeant voice tell them to "**** OFF!". This has the desired effect as both take a step backwards and the nervous one even drops something out of his pockets and move to pick it up. I take the opportunity to walk away, slowly and glancing over my shoulder. Getting out from under the scaffold I quickly walk the 100 yards to the mail box, post my letter and tie my laces. The would-be muggers are following me at a safe distance but when they see I have stopped, they avoid me, walking down the other side of the street. They also crack their belts in the air and shouts to me "you want something eh?". I ignore them, find a witness who had seen part of the incident and call the police. Of course it took them over minutes to arrive and by then the two low lifes were long gone.

I learned two things from this: always tie your laces and never trust someone walking up behind you.