Traumatizing kids with Abcedario



I posted this on another group just wondering if anyone has run into this.

Well this is a new one for me, as most that know me know that I am not big
on training kids, yes I know I started a 5 yrs old and all that other stuff
but kids are just not my cup of tea. I am negotiating a deal now for a new
6000 sq ft training center, that I will sublease to various arts, and I
personally will probably not teach kids, my wife might, and who ever lease
from me is free to, its just not my thing. So any ways I ran into a
situation with my daughter, she is 4 years old, slightly gifted, she catch's
on quick. Well we were doing Balintawak Abcedario the other day and she cracked me a
good one, split the side of my melon good, probably should have gotten
stitches. Now she is terrified of training, my thought is to make her jump
right back into it. I told her it was my fault and all, but still, even as
smart as she is you are still dealing with a child.

Any suggestions.

31 years in the MA's and this is a first for me!!


I do not have kids but I have acted like one from time to time, . . .

Seriously though, tell your daughter that yes it was your fault and that it was an accident and that you are not mad at her.

After doing all the 'Dad' things give her a a couple of days, then ask her again if she wants to play with you. If she is stil hesitant then wait another day or two then ask her to help you with a problem you are having. And then work her through Abcedario, or just one or two moves. This is how I got one of my Nieces back into swinging a cane and a fist. She was so upset she had hurt me. Split my lip open. Children do not know they can damage others, it is something that some may need some time to adjust too.

Other than that, I do not know.

Best Wishes

"Great technique! Think how well that would have worked on the street! You're really doing well."
Yea i remember being a little kid, thinking all the adults were invincible. I must of bin anywhere between 3 and 5 years old, was playing with a freind of the family:jediduel:, an older guy with false teeth. Boxed him one in the cheek:boxing:, knocked his false teeth out:D, they hit the floor and teeth shot everywhere. It's scary stuff when your that little. It scared the hell out of ME, thats for sure. Especially when i did not have any concept of false teeth and thought that could happen to anyone.......:anic:
Unfortunately, I can't offer you any advice. My three year old would probably laugh her butt off if she split my skull open. :)

And she'd want to do it again.

And again.

And again.

Hmmmm.......Yeah I train with my dad and I have hit him a couple of times really hard (Broke his hand with Largo Armano or Largo y mano or however you spell it) But he has hit me very hard as well so we kinda call it even. He does what Ace does...........after shouting and screaming for a few minutes :rolleyes:
Rocky, I can relate to your experiences, lol.

I think the best thing you can do, is try to make training with her fun... i'd suggest you have her do some drills in the air, maybe at some inanimate targets and then finally back at you.

That is what i'd do. I feel badly for the little girl.
But she'll be ok, i'm sure.

Keep at it, gently, and keep reassuring her that it was ok, and not intentional.

I hope that helps.

Respects, Guro Jeff
I might suggest doing some non stick work at first.