Training w/Ed Parker pre 70's

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Originally posted by Bill Lear
No more Doc bashing from here... Although, I did send you a private message the other day, and would really like to take you up on your offer to sit and talk sometime. :(

Did you get my message? I'll try and send you an e-mail instead.

I ain't haten' (honest),
Billy :)
Hey William. I'll check my PM's. They act a bit weird sometimes. Sure we can talk. Give me a minute to clear some time, it's been really busy, otherwise you'd have to come to the school. The only place other than work where I consistently show up. One question - Who's buying? :)
Originally posted by Doc
I stay at MartialTalk because it consistently has intelligent conversation and none of the put downs. Disagreements are a part of discussions and exchanges. Nobody agrees with anybody all the time.

Thanks for your insights into Kenpo.:D
Originally posted by Doc
The only place other than work where I consistently show up. One question - Who's buying? :)

it depends on whether you like a happy meal at Macdonal or a NY restaurant with a good STEAK and SEA FOOD reputation.?

if you like a happy meal, i'll take you there

if you like steak at NY restaurant, i still take you there.

who is paying ??? don't worry about that. We can wash the dishes in the end if that is the case :)

or perhaps, your SUB LEVEL 4 demonstration in the end should pay off our bill :)
Different perspective here, folks. Doc was there with Mr. Parker back in '63 (if I am correct) and as a cop, his stuff is road tested. I personally don't bash someone who has been around more blocks than I have and whose $h!t is road tested. Bad combination. Plus I knew the guy way back when the internet was not even a dream in someone's imagination. Stand up guy, that Doc is.

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Different perspective here, folks. Doc was there with Mr. Parker back in '63 (if I am correct) and as a cop, his stuff is road tested. I personally don't bash someone who has been around more blocks than I have and whose $h!t is road tested. Bad combination. Plus I knew the guy way back when the internet was not even a dream in someone's imagination. Stand up guy, that Doc is.

Dan Anderson
Thanks Dan, and I know you've been around more than a few blocks yourself, but only Mr. Peabody with his "WayBack Machine" knows about us now. Does that make us old? ;)
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude

who is paying ??? don't worry about that. We can wash the dishes in the end if that is the case :) or perhaps, your SUB LEVEL 4 demonstration in the end should pay off our bill :)

I tried that once and got dishpan hands.
Now... This is more like it... Questions and answers, disagreement kept to a civil and respectful tone. All you all, up to and including the man whom I respect greatly, The Good Doctor ... You all stop by and pick me up on the way, and I'll buy. No dishpan hands, good food, intelligent conversation, no muss, no fuss. I like it that way.

As I come into the latter portion of my life, whatever that may be, I look for simple and elegant solutions. :lol:

Understand. I am not EPAK, in case many of you do not know, I am a Tracyite, and have been since about 1972. I have experience in martial arts going back to 1963. I have taught military and Special Ops Personnel, American and ... er ... Non-American. I have worked with and taught government personnel, many who have worked with some of those 3 letter agencies. I have, and still do, teach police in my state, city, and county government. I teach what I feel is an extremely useful and worthy art. My newest personally selected student is a 6 year old fella, who has severe Cerebral Palsy. I have students now serving in Iraq and points East, some of who are teaching what I taught them, and having great effect with it. Some have put it ot practical use in the "mean streets" of Iraq. I have put my life in the arts, and will probably die in the arts, planning to never close my fists (an old Chinese Euphemism for retirement from teaching). I, personally, work with Doc's information and find it to, frankly, be some of the best, most efficient, and useful, and enlightening material around. It is an enlightenment worthy of the time it takes.

But it will probably bother folks with less than confidence and comfort with themselves and their art.

Having probably said something that will piss someone off, you other guys get me on the way buy, and I promise to treat for dinner. :lol:

Respects to you Doc! I will always be a student, supporter, and friend or yours and to you.

Dan Farmer
RokuDan (6th Degree Black)
Tracy International
Originally posted by Sigung86
Now... This is more like it... Questions and answers, disagreement kept to a civil and respectful tone. All you all, up to and including the man whom I respect greatly, The Good Doctor ... You all stop by and pick me up on the way, and I'll buy. No dishpan hands, good food, intelligent conversation, no muss, no fuss. I like it that way.

As I come into the latter portion of my life, whatever that may be, I look for simple and elegant solutions. :lol:

Understand. I am not EPAK, in case many of you do not know, I am a Tracyite, and have been since about 1972. I have experience in martial arts going back to 1963. I have taught military and Special Ops Personnel, American and ... er ... Non-American. I have worked with and taught government personnel, many who have worked with some of those 3 letter agencies. I have, and still do, teach police in my state, city, county and governement. I teach what I feel is an extremely useful and worthy art. My newest personally selected student is a 6 year old fella, who has sever Cerebral Palsy. I have students now serving in Iraq and points East, some of who are teaching what I taught them, and having great effect with it. I have put my life in the arts, and will probably die in the arts, planning to never close my fists (an old Chinese Euphemism for retirement from teaching). I, personally, work with Doc's information and find it to, frankly, be some of the best, most efficient, and useful, and enlightening material around. It is an enlightenment worthy of the time it takes.

But it will probably bother folks with less than confidence and comfort with themselves and their art.

Having probably said something that will piss someone off, you other guys get me on the way buy, and I promise to treat for dinner. :lol:

Respects to you Doc! I will always be a student, supporter, and friend or yours and to you.

Dan Farmer
RokuDan (6th Degree Black)
Tracy International

OK it's settled. You buy! Thanks (other) Dan :asian:
Originally posted by Doc
OK it's settled. You buy! Thanks (other) Dan :asian:

since he buys, when and where please ???? i don't mind to go to buffet.
You guys are killing me. Please stop it with all this "mushy" talk. After all, aren't you guys Ken(m)poists and supposed to be wrestling with bears and emptying magnum shells!!!LOL

Love you all (see, its contagious)
I don't know Pete! I, personally, have never studied Ken(m)po.

On the other hand, I do stutter under stress... So maybe I did!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by kenmpoka
... aren't you guys Ken(m)poists and supposed to be wrestling with bears and emptying magnum shells!!!
No but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night.
(And I was was packin' as always)

Out of curiosity. Assuming one has a good teacher. What advice do you have for anyone studying the system in infinite insights?
Originally posted by MartialArtsGuy

Out of curiosity. Assuming one has a good teacher. What advice do you have for anyone studying the system in infinite insights?
"Assuming you have a good teacher" I say you'd be in pretty good shape. I've never said the "motion" based kenpo is bad, I have always said it depends much more on the quality and knowledge of the teacher than other arts.

Kenpo, in any interpretation, teachers far more than many other "traditional" Asian disciplines that are not results oriented, therefore the skill, knowledge, and experience level of teachers must be commensurate.

After all we are talking about street self defense taught, in most instances, by those who have no such experience, knowledge, and vicariously skill in that area. Traditional arts didn't/don't have to "work," only be "performed" as dictated by the instructor for advancement.

Most who go into a school are not fighters (unlike the old days), and are not comfortable in street confrontations. That is why most go into a school in the first place. Most of its teachers are now products of that interpretation. Although there are indeed some exemplary instructors, most are at best mediocre to poor. The really good instructors are not good because of the conceptual Infnite Insight interpretation, they are good because of their ability to discypher the concepts and apply them in the real world and relay that information to their students as Parker intended. Unfortunately the "average guy" is not capable of that for a variety of reasons and in most cases doesn't even try. I call it "Nike teaching." Just do it! (and they'll fix it later?)

Schools are full of women, children, and adolescents with no fighting skill or knowledge who require exemplary teachers in particular to be reasonably effective, yet all are getting promoted because of business concerns, regardless of skill.

I've done camps where the majority of persons (90+%) in a class don't even have groin or mouth protection, where I teach a very aggressive "hands on" style of lecture, that requires a measure of contact to understand the principles. I've even had adults tell me they are NOT ALLOWED to make contact in their school. When I asked one how they manage that, this 6 foot thirtyish male brown belt told me proudly , "We hit the bag for that."

We live in a culture that thinks you can learn anything from a video at your own pace, and you are in a hurry. Fast food, fast cars, and fast belts. Would you learn how to swim that way? Maybe, but that water isn't sneaky, doesn't think, and isn't trying to kick your a$$.

Thus my joke:
"Are you a black belt?"
No, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night!":D
Thanks Doc

I know you were not putting the infinite insights system down. I was just curious about what pointers you would give on it. Coming from the perspective that you do.
Originally posted by MartialArtsGuy
Thanks Doc

I know you were not putting the infinite insights system down. I was just curious about what pointers you would give on it. Coming from the perspective that you do.
Thank you that. My problem is not with Ed Parker's work, but with many of those who would interpret it, screw it up, than talk about what Kenpo is missing. A very arrogant statement which presumes thay know all that Ed Parker ever knew and taught. I would feel better if they simply alluded to the Kenpo "THEY" were taught by THEIR teacher. It is so much easier to blame the art rather than yourself and/or your "teacher(s)," or even me for "putting them down." There isn't anything anyone can tell my students that would make them feel bad about what they are doing.

It seems like we see eye to eye on many things. The only thing that burns me up is that I had to figure alot of this out for myself. In the past, I spent alot of time in confusion and doubt and also found myself second guessing various things. This was frustrating considering my personal safety could depend on this stuff.

My teacher likes us to think, so he hints at things in an attempt to jump start our brains. "Mr. Parker wanted us to think", he says all the time. I finally told him how I thought the system works and he told me that I was on target. Now I can analyze what he teaches us and I know it's good stuff.

Well the last few months have been some of my most peacefull in the martial arts. I feel confident that many things are now clear to me. The gift you sent me a while ago helped alot too. I want to thank you for your help over time.

But dont think my endless line of questioning is over.