Training Tae Kwon Do in Thailand

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
So Tonight I went to train at Asia Pacific Tae Kwon Do run by Master Don Ferguson in Bangkok. He's a 5th dan in WTF style TKD and a Canadian like me! I called him up earlier today and asked if he minded me coming by to train since I'm from ITF and he had no problems with it so off I went. He let me wear my ITF uniform and I lined up with his other black belts for class. The training is similar to other WTF training I have done and had similar aspects to the ITF training I'm used to. There was an equal amount of foreigners and Thai's that train there and they were all very nice and some of them were very skilled. Master Ferguson himself is an amazing technician. He has better technique than me by far. Normally guys with really good muscle control and perfect technique dont always have killer power but I held the kick shield for him a few times and his turning sidekick had rib shattering power. He seems to be a very good well rounded TKD artist. We did kicks in line for awhile and then lined up to kick the clapper for a bit before trading the clapper in for a kick shield. Kick shield work is my favorite part of training besides sparring. After that we did a bit of partner work and then class was over.

After class I talked to him for a good 40 minutes and we compared our lives as TKD instructors and there were alot of similarities. It's not often martial arts instructors meet that have very similar opinions on how schools should be run and have past experiences that have so many similarities. Then I found out just how different certain aspects of our lives truly were. Turns out he has acted in several martial arts movies with guys like Jackie Chan and Steven Segal and even a few Thai movies. There are posters everywere here for a new Thai movie that is coming out that he plays a bad guy in. Guess I will be going to that movie to check him out in action! I thought it was pretty kool that he had worked with some pretty famous people and was on the big screen. He told me some interesting things about some movie stars! During the class I thought it odd that alot of the women training here were some of the most beautiful women I had seen in Thailand.... turns out they are all models and movie stars. All in all an interesting school to train at!

I'm hoping we spar on Wednesday which is the next adult advanced class at his school. In the meantime I will go check out some other TKD schools here in Bangkok.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Sounds like you're having a fine time and enjoying your far east MA training trip Mr. Mavis. Now I'm aching to take a trip to martial arts heaven too ... :asian:
cool keep us informed Mr Damian...
TKD school in thailand?i thought they only do Thai Boxing :D
You're getting your money's worth on this trip!

The reports are really appreciated--it's fascinating.
Actually WTF TKD is pretty common here, not as common as Muay Thai obviously but I've seen several schools just walking around Bangkok. I know there is no ITF TKD but I was happy to see any TKD period. I havent seen any karate/judo/jujitsu/kungfu schools yet but that doesnt mean they dont exist. Obviously WTF has a good foothold here though.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Great reporting Damian!

The knowledge you are sharing is helping many people who will never get an opportunity like yours. Your posting on the MT training was great too!

There is a thread on the General section dealing with Muay Thai injuries that are common. I know you are busy with your adventures, but this seems like something you could shed the light of truth on.

white belt

A biased, partisan person, in ITF TKD, would not share positive info about a WTF school experience. I bow to you and your fine example set for others who may be too caught up in the politics. Thank you. :)
"A biased, partisan person, in ITF TKD, would not share positive info about a WTF school experience. I bow to you and your fine example set for others who may be too caught up in the politics."

That was a very nice thing to say, thankyou.

Just like to add for anyone that likes Judo and is coming here I found a Judo club that works out of the Thai-Japan Gym which is were I do weights and casual Muay Thai training while in Bangkok. Maybe I'll mention it in the Judo section.

Damian Mavis
honour TKD
How's the foot holding up Damian? Sounds like it's doing just fine.

Also sounds like your really enjoying your self, COOL!!

Yes I'm having a blast and my foot is perfectly healed. The most important part was that I have managed to avoid injury the whole time I've been here. Charlie horses, bruises and a little blood have occured but nothing that interferes with my training.... except when I mangled my hand in the ceiling fan. That sucked. Took a few days off after that.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Humidity? What humidity? Is that what is making me sweat like a pig everywere I go? heh, I'm trying to live like a Thai and not let the heat affect me like a weak foreigner but it's so hard.... these people wear long sleeve shirts and thick jeans in the sun!!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

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