Training per day


MTS Alumni
I'm sure this has been done before, but as something that often changes, I thought it would be good to ask.

I'm curious as to how much training everyone does per day (like how many hours) and what the training consists of.

I train for 2 hours and 15 minutes every day by myslef, except sunday. That does not include my weights I do on mon,wed,fri.

My training consists mainly of an hour and 30 min of forms, 30 minutes of iron body, 15 minutes of horse stance (not neccesarily all at once).

Then four times a week I train with a partner and we do horse stance, a timed run, a few forms, then 45 min of fighting, then 45 min of drills.

This brings my training outside of class to about 5 hours a day roughly. Give or take a few days here and there. I'm extremely lucky to work at my school, so during the day I get to do almost nothing but pure working out. Its awesome.

I hardly train at all outside of class to be honest, basically because I find training on my own incredibly boring!

Just isn't the same with no-oe else there and I don't have anyone else to train with.

i train for approx. 2 hours everyday, and have my private lesson on wedensdays for two hours.

I do shadow boxing, forms, weapons, self defense, footwork, cardio, and some weight excersises.

I be sure to write out every workout before i do it so i don't have to think about what to do next, and this also adds more variety because each workout is different this way, and i never get bored.
I train at the dojo four times per week for a couple of hours per session. I also train MA at home on the off days for about an hour.

Outside of this I've started to take Yoga classes a couple of days per week. I also do the "Five Tibetan Rites" (similar to a short Yoga routine) every morning, which only takes about 20 minutes, and walk my dogs every day (usually a two mile walk).

I used to train a lot with the Russian Kettlebells but had to stop due to a shoulder injury sustained during training. I'll probably incorporate it at a later date...

I work at my dojang, so I'm there for 6 hours a day (including training).

Mon, and tues, I work 3 hours teaching kids classes. Then I train for an hour (an hour break in between). Wed, I train two hours (day class and private lesson with my instructor), then I work 3 hours. Thurs, I just train, not work. Friday, I work 3 hours, then train. Sat, I work 3 hours.

Sometimes there is a break in between the kids classes I help teach, and my actual class. So I usually take advantage of it and I work on techniques, forms, ect (depending what I need work on). Plus, I train at home when I get the chance.
Half an hour to 45 minutes per day, plus what happens in class, plus some light toning (weights).
It varies from day to day. SOme days I can only think about it on the way to lunch while riding in a car or driving to and from work.

Other days I can pick up my training conduit at work and do some hand stick techniques in the air as I think, and or play wiht my swords and daggers at home. The sit in my living room and I just walk over and play :D
I generally work out at Judo twice a week for 2 hours at a time, I do kenpo one night a week for an hour and again on Saturday for about 3 hours. 2 hours a week on the heavy bag when time permits.

I get around 10 hours a week in training. I used to train more when I was single and had different work hours but now that's all I can get away with other obligations.

Do watching UFC and Pride count? LOL!

I usually train in a group class a couple times a week for about 2 hours (although lately we haven't had it so a little less on that end). I try to lift once or twice a week, run once or twice a week. I play basketball and ski on the weekend for exercise.

As for martial arts, including the group classes, I try to get 4 training days in a week. Outside of class, I do shadowboxing, bagwork, footwork, and stickwork. I also try to train with a partner once a week.

I train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu twice a week at Saunders BJJ in Rochester, NY. We have warm ups, technique time headed by Kyle Saunders and then we do live training 100% with partners. Total class time can be 2-2.5 hours or so.
His school offers up to 4 times per week. If we're training for a competition we do Sunday training for a couple hours - straight 100% grappling time. Outside of that some sprinting intervals and muscular endurance excercises- then rest.
It seem that different regimes suit different people. I think age has a lot to do with it, when it comes to the physical side of training. I used to put about 20 hours a week in when I was in my 20's besides doing a manual job and made the mistake of overtraining from time to time. I think that a total break from training from time to time can renew vigour and enthusiasm.
I wonder how many people nowadays move styles or their approach to their style as they get older and less physical.
I have a one hour class on Fridays, then try to do 30 minutes a day. I find it hard to motivate myself at home. Instructor is looking at adding a day for the advanced class. So hopefully I'll have class twice a week.
I train for about a hour every day doing oms or selfdefence by myslef (seein gthe movement o my opponent in my head).
Afte that I teach for a couple hours most days
2 hours on Mondays.
3 hours on Tuesdays.
2 hours on Wednesdays.
Thursdays & Fridays off
5 hours on Saturday
1 hour (light workout) on Sunday (except in the summers, when I add 2 hours of weapons training).
Well I try to go to the gym 3 times a week. I traing In Shaolin Long Fist on Tuesdays and Thursdays but I have really been wanting more days to practice, but because the other classes that my instructor had taken were not so succesful in numbers he just stopped doing them so now I train twice a week! I try to practice my forms and stance work as much as I can! I even practice at work when no one is around.

But I find myself not being able to stand still, and whenever I'm on my own I will be practice my kicks and hand strikes. I have even taught myself a kick I have seen in Martial Arts films, called I think a spiral kick where you start off with a jumping side kick and the follow through with a jumping back kick, all in one motion! And because I have practice that so much I have got really good at it! I don't think the system I am learning teaches that but I am open to any different techniques and other systems that will give me a more rounded knowledge of self defence.

I'll even practice my balance when I'm in the shower, performing side kicks and balancing on one leg! I don't know whats wrong with me but I just can't stand still. When I'm at work I will start practicing my cartwheels and kicks and forms. I'll get back from work and as soon as I get out of my car I will practice my kicks.
I have some focus mitts but unfortunately I don't have a partner to practice with. But I have noticed I need to work on my accuracy with kicks some more.

I also try to train my periphial vision! Reading a magazine try to notice without looking up if the next person walking past is a man, woman or child and where they are going. This helps with being aware of yo surroundings and knowing what people's intentions are!

I also do a lot of shadow boxing and practicing blocking and countering! It is hard when I don't have someone to train with!
But I try to do the best I can! I don't know exactly how long I spend doing all this as I don't have a fixed schedule! I used to have a friend I would spar with after going to the gym. We were both fans of Bruce Lee's fighting methods! We would spar a few yards away from the gym in a public path but then sometimes spar on some big concrete pipes just to vary things!

Whenever I learn something new in kung fu, a new technique or form i will go home and practice it and then at work the next day!
I'm open to any new ideas or methods of training and if anyone would like to suggest anything new please feel free to email me. I will do the same in return!
Well, between my full time job and also taking care of my family (husband and 4 kids), I spend about four hours a week in Kenpo (one of those hours is private lesson). If I'm lucky, I may have time to do a couple of hours of Kenpo practice at home. I have recently added in 4 to 6 hours a week in cardio/weightlifting training. Roughly speaking, it's two hours a day average.

- Ceicei
Training every day? Yikes.

Mon- 2 hr Arnis class
Tues- 2 hr Jujutsu class
Wed- 2hr Arnis class (not always, rotating workschedule can mess this up.)
Sun- 1 hr Iaido class(good for my mental game and starts my week nice and focused) and 2hr Jujutsu class

Sometimes I miss a class here and there due to work but I do have private sessions with my fellow Guro once in a while ( a serious slam and jam flow session where nobody says "let's do this" )and I try to practice striking by myself (kamagong not rattan so as to build power)when I get time but there really is only so much time in the day.

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