I know what you are saying. Some people won't respect you until you have smacked them. I firmly beleive violence can, in general, be avoided; however this phenominon does exist, and the change can be so radical that one might wonder how many people you can... err... help with this... err... therapy.Originally posted by Seig
Several years ago, I had a student.uje that used to do exactly what you were saying. I was a 2nd Black at the time and he was just a dumb purple belt. He decided that since I was a black belt, I should be able to make the technique work with no help from him. He also felt that my shots would have no real effect on him. I tried everything, talking to him, counseling him, extra attention, none of it worked. In the end, I finally had to tell him, either react propelry, or I am going to execute the technique on you. His response, "You're already doing that and it doesn't work." I executed the techniques on him for real. I wound up hurting him, not badly, but enough for him to realize that just because I am going soft with him doesn't mean it isn't real enough. He wound up, after he healed, being an excellent partner and a good martial artist.
