Training my first student online


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
So my brother has volunteered to put me through my knowledge test by allowing me to coach him on what I know. He's already an awesome wrestler and a decent Muay Thai fighter, so all I'll be teaching is just some finer points to fighting and things that can greatly improve his fighting ability.

I say he's a student because when I explain something he takes it as if I'm criticizing. At the moment I'm only helping him to understand field of vision and the importance of it, and I'm already getting. "I do it this way because...." Hopefully he can empty his cup a little, just enough to trust the science in what I'm saying. If he's got 2 more topics to cover before he can start start applying what I'm teaching.

Right now I only have him making observations as he spars and to be more aware of the opponent in front him. If he can get to that point then he's going to improve greatly.