Does anyone use nutritional products when training?


Green Belt
Just curious if anyone uses nutritional energy products when training or for competition? I know many of the endurance athletes use these products (Powerbar, Clifbar/Clif Shot, Gu, EAS, etc...)but in most cases, martial arts training and especially tournaments involve a lot of endurance. With the ban on performance enhancing drugs (ie. steroids), I would think that these natural products would be the next best thing. I mountain bike and I know that a Clif Shot or Shot Blok a 1/2 hour before my ride gives me that extra boost. That extra boost would also be nice for a martial arts match or for training. Any thoughts?
I eat about half of an oatmeal bar I make myself an hour or so before I train, and then munch on the rest after class. It's got lots of protein in it, as well as some complex carbs.
I'm a big fan of powerbars. I like nearly all of them. I also like whatever that "nutritional" snickers bar is called. I eat one of these before class on my MA training days.

For the weight training days I use whey protein and creatine after workouts. I eat a couple of granol bars approx 30 min before.

I have been using Hydroxycut for a month and a half. It has helped me lose 17 lbs.

The best supliment remains, and will always be, water. Good old H2O
Being well hydrated will do more for your on the mat performance than just about anything else.

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I take a standard multi vitamin .. and for things like testing where extreme effort and such are involved I have several bottles of Gator aid on hand for hydration and some glucose if i need it..
Hello, A peanut butter sandwich is good too! Energy drinks- AH! less than 5 hours....longer than most classes!

Any nutritional products will always be a blessing and so is eating the right foods 100% of the time....

In time,... the most important part of your training is the any physcial excerise you do...the longer your endurance can last? ...the longer you can last in any fighing situtions...those with lots of skills but NO endurance? ...will lose in the end quickly ....oxgyen or air.....OUR BODY NEED full blast for a minute or two...if you cannot sparr after this? .....what good is nutrition's?

Aloha ( keep it legal)
I used to spend a lot of time at the gym so I know the benefits of creatine, protein, glutamine... for the muscles but that stuff doesn't help with MA, unless you wanta be really big and squash people.

For long training sessions... plenty of water, staminade is good to stop muscle cramping, banana's are great too.

I don't know how anyone can train while using thermogenics. I tried bt felt like I was overheating and I couldn't drink enough water during class, never again.

Only other suggestion is Zinc Magnesium tablets when you go to bed, gives you a deep sleep and helps repair muscle damage.

Good luck
Besides my multi-vitamin and fish oils, the only other supplement I really use before working out(mainly at gym) is N.O.-Xplode which is an energy and performance igniter.
I have been using Hydroxycut for a month and a half. It has helped me lose 17 lbs.
Hi Mark, question with the Hydroxycut...was the weight loss gradual, and did you have to change up your diet drastically? Just curious as I had hit a plateau in my training, and due to wacky work schedule, my training regimen has suffered some.

Hi Mark, question with the Hydroxycut...was the weight loss gradual, and did you have to change up your diet drastically? Just curious as I had hit a plateau in my training, and due to wacky work schedule, my training regimen has suffered some.


I am curious as well because I have soem Xenadrine that I want to use to cut fat , ( No Ephedra ) and was curious if it woudl help.
Multi Vitamin and an ounce of peanut butter and a banana for the potasium.
Hi Mark, question with the Hydroxycut...was the weight loss gradual, and did you have to change up your diet drastically? Just curious as I had hit a plateau in my training, and due to wacky work schedule, my training regimen has suffered some.


I'm not really sure that you would consider it a gradual diet change but I started the three hour diet concept a few months back and it was producing so-so results. About a month and a half ago I went cold turkey on the soda. I'm a Coca-Cola junkie and it was rough for the first couple of weeks. I've weaned myself down to diet soda with the intention of being soda-free in a few months. I'm cheating tonight and am having a couple of cokes, but I understand that the high rum content is supposed to offset the calories...:)

I couldn't seem to get my metabolism to jump so I tried the hydroxycut on top of the diet change. The weight loss started about a week or so after I began.

I am curious as well because I have soem Xenadrine that I want to use to cut fat , ( No Ephedra ) and was curious if it woudl help.

If you go with the Xenedrine(which I can't as it makes me very hyper and twitchy, I'm not sure why but hydroxycut doesn't) just make sure to increase your water intake as it can seriously dehydrate you with the quickness.


P.S. While the eating small quantities every three hours is hardly new or revolutionary, Jorge Cruise has an excellent plan and book. If you get a chance, check it out.
I use protein powder and sometimes Fireballs, which is the next step up from Hydroxycut. I do this mainly for weight control purposes. Shrimping gets easier as I weigh less.
I use protein powder and sometimes Fireballs, which is the next step up from Hydroxycut. I do this mainly for weight control purposes. Shrimping gets easier as I weigh less.

Fireballs ? I do not liek the sound of that HAHA.
I use protien shake and occasional protien bars,also multi-vitamin.I eat mostly carbs during day with light protien at lunch.Mainly protien and veggies at night.I wheight train on off days,more curcuit type training with short rest periods. Tried NO Explode/creatine,but with high rep exercises developed allot of muscle cramping.Basically you need to try and find what works best for you and your metabolizm.But you can't go wrong with a good protien shake after a hard workout and a multi-vitamin.