Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
After a week of Bronchitis and much thought, Sanda may be going away too. I am not 100% sure about this just yet but with my renewed desire to train Qigong, my wanting to delve much deeper into Yang style (and my Sifu is actually pushing that) my training Chen again and wanting to get that back to a respectable level and my continued interest in Systema breathing IÂ’m not sure if I have the time to continue Sanda
And a note on Systema.
For some time now I have been concerned that the old Internal Martial artists were right when they said you can't train an external and an internal at the same time, the training is contradictory.
I have even wondered if push ups and sit-ups were a problem when it comes to training taiji. Since my return to qigong I feel that the Systema breath training bridges the 2 rather nicely. Breathe and do a push up and focus on the breathing and relaxation instead of the muscular exertion.
Just a thought
And a note on Systema.
For some time now I have been concerned that the old Internal Martial artists were right when they said you can't train an external and an internal at the same time, the training is contradictory.
I have even wondered if push ups and sit-ups were a problem when it comes to training taiji. Since my return to qigong I feel that the Systema breath training bridges the 2 rather nicely. Breathe and do a push up and focus on the breathing and relaxation instead of the muscular exertion.
Just a thought