Training changes

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
After a week of Bronchitis and much thought, Sanda may be going away too. I am not 100% sure about this just yet but with my renewed desire to train Qigong, my wanting to delve much deeper into Yang style (and my Sifu is actually pushing that) my training Chen again and wanting to get that back to a respectable level and my continued interest in Systema breathing IÂ’m not sure if I have the time to continue Sanda

And a note on Systema.

For some time now I have been concerned that the old Internal Martial artists were right when they said you can't train an external and an internal at the same time, the training is contradictory.

I have even wondered if push ups and sit-ups were a problem when it comes to training taiji. Since my return to qigong I feel that the Systema breath training bridges the 2 rather nicely. Breathe and do a push up and focus on the breathing and relaxation instead of the muscular exertion.

Just a thought
I dunno... there was plenty of weight lifting equipment at Chen Village when I was there. Granted it wasn't Weider systems or Smith Machines... it was more farm equipment parts on ropes or poured concrete on bars for dumbbells... but you get the idea.

Plus seeing the "kids" doing duck walk sprints and the like between the new school & the village said just as much "external as internal" to me.
Personally I think the two can be done at the same time if you do not over do the external.
Push ups and sit-ups develop the body but can also be a mental excises. Breathing properly while doing either excises is an important feature
I don't see a problem with weight training as long as the goals are correct.

It's a matter or deciding whether you are training to be Mr. Universe or are you doing it for increasing strength and endurance?

The methods and goals for both are possible through weight training. Look at Jack LaLanne for example. Strong and flexible. The same can be said of Bruce Lee, Chiu Chi Ling, Stephen Chow, etc.
. Breathe and do a push up and focus on the breathing and relaxation instead of the muscular exertion.
Maoshing Ni in his lecture on organs taught this very exercise for the lungs.
basically you go from a downward Dog inhale(in Yoga) to a push up postion into a Cobra(in Yoga)exhale. The idea is it helps open the Lung channel(as well as the chest) just thought I would share that little bit of info I found interesting.
I hear you, Xue Sheng. Though it cannot be argued that Sanda is useful for hand to hand combat, it lacks the culture and interesting techniques that make studying Gongfu interesting - it's basically Muy Thai/kickboxing with throws and it isn't really Chinese.

I'm also considering getting out of it. I would like to study something combat-oriented, but at the sam time I also want to enjoy it. I'm just not enjoying Sanda very much. I'll be moving to Guiyang soon and there are a plethora of schools there, so I may actually be able to choose this time. Good luck with your endeavours. ;)

P.S. Internal and external MAs go hand in hand. It is said that one begins training external (Internal MAs can be used the same as external, with a lesser effect) and eventually progress to internal (When you are getting olde). There are even some half internal/half external MAs. 75% of Internal MAs is combat theory and philosophy. The rest is mostly breathing. Internal combat theories can be applied to Shuaijiao, for example, with great effect.

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