training blade

  • Thread starter Thread starter alan
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Drunken Master: I recommend that you take time out to visit the clubs in your area to find out what they offer, and also look for good partners - and good atmosphere.
I can recommend many people in the UK, try contacting Rapid Arnis or The Academy in London under Bob Breen. They both teach FMA and JKD related weponmaterial.

Alan: Thanks i found it now - it looks interesting.

Though i am not convinced of using foam or rubber knives for training or knifefighting, I teach and fight with metal and wooden daggers for the feeling and the mental awareness.

Hi, I understand what you mean about useing foam knife for training, but with the foam you need no protection. I do use other training knives also. I do believe this knives have a part in the overall development of one skill, be it empty hands or weapon vs weapon. And for 4.00 bucks,Hey. alan
Alan: well you´re right off course - it´s cheap fun, but you must know what skills you want to work at if you use foam or rubber. We have a toystore in DK and i usually call playing with foam knives a toygame. By that i mean you exercise, have fun and you can work on your evasive moves.
4 dollars - Wauw you guys get ripped off over there:D


I gave you the information on the paint blades as you requested, not to be debated. I am sorry to see you think of it as cheap fun. I hope you are speaking from experience when you say that because me, my students, and my instructor all see it as an extremely valuable tool. Good luck on your seminar, I hope you are succussful.

Bear in mind that English is not's first language; perhaps there is a communication issue here.
Alan: I am sorry if i left you with a bad impression, it was not my intent. I meant that using foam knives could be a part of a good knifeexercise, to have fun while still practising your techniques - I would personally still use metal and wooden knives for any technique / fight that I either teach or practise. But that is just the way that i have been taught. I use rubber knives for working on peoples agressive sides - hitting hard with full power on mits.
I thank you for the tip on where to find the pictures etc. on the knives and maybe one day i too will learn to use them.
PS: I hope i have never said anything bad about people using foam knives - it just doesn´t work for me.

Yes, thanks my seminar went very well!


Thanks for clearing up your meaning.

I would like to introduce you to the paint blade. If you are interested, log back onto our website and click onto "contact us". E-mail us your physical mailing address, and we will send you a sample.

Defensive Tactics

Thankyou I will hurry up and do so.

and afterwards I will brush up on my english..:)

Hello Everyone,

Ray Dionaldo has published a glimpse of how he makes his training blades.

The article is titled, "Making of a Training Blade" and it is written Charles Kangas with photos by Ray Dionaldo.

To access the article, go to and select and "Making of a Trainer" hyperlink.

Best regards,

The article is definately worth a look. What it doesnt bring out is what a royal pain aluminum is to work with; the stuff is very soft, clogs equipment horribly, and the grinding dust is a fire hazard. (Things to consider when you complain about the high cost of trainers!)

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