Traditional TSD Uniform top (black trim).


Yellow Belt
Mar 15, 2013
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... anyone have some advice on where I can either

a) buy a good, heavyweight/middleweight, brushed-cotton traditional Tang Soo Do jacket (e.g., with black trim on the lapels)
b) find black trim material that I can have sewn onto my uniform lapels that will neither fade nor bleed?

... I know Century has one, but I've owned it in the past and it's made of canvas... feels like steel wool. Not the most comfortable for sweating in. =)

While we're at it, how about ideas re: getting my last name and "Tang Soo Do" embroidered/printed on the back of said uniform?

It probably helps to mention that I'm in Southern California (San Fernando Valley area).


... anyone have some advice on where I can either

a) buy a good, heavyweight/middleweight, brushed-cotton traditional Tang Soo Do jacket (e.g., with black trim on the lapels)
b) find black trim material that I can have sewn onto my uniform lapels that will neither fade nor bleed?

... I know Century has one, but I've owned it in the past and it's made of canvas... feels like steel wool. Not the most comfortable for sweating in. =)

While we're at it, how about ideas re: getting my last name and "Tang Soo Do" embroidered/printed on the back of said uniform?

It probably helps to mention that I'm in Southern California (San Fernando Valley area).



You can get the uniforms almost anyplace.
Here, for example, but I don't know if they do the embroidery you're talking about.
This place, though, does all kinds of embroidery, and the uniforms are custom made. I've bought three dobaks from them and am very happy with them. They're not super fast, since the uniforms are custom made in Korea, but they're top quality items.
We use Choi Brothers out of Chicago. Good quality, good prices.

Granted, I have a wholesale account, since I have a school.. . But they do trimming, embroidery, and silk screening. They offer various weights, but I like the Master Heavy Weight Uniform.
Anyone have an affordable supplier of embroidered Dees?