Tools/methods for conditioning


2nd Black Belt
Aug 3, 2002
Reaction score
Besides working the heavy bag and doing knuckle pushup, what other methods/ tools do you use to condition your hands?
Try, wrist push-ups, tiger claw push-ups, eagle claw push-ups, wrist clawing rotations, standing & moving hard qi gong exercises! Blocking and punching with light weights, 50-150 reps at time for each arm.
Sincerely, In Humility;
I use a canvas bag filled with pit gravels.
You gotta biuld your self a makiwara!
Start slow, pay attention to the blisters that you will probably get at first.make sure you either drain them or hold off training until they heal ( I drained mine- healing takes to long!), if not they will tear and then you have to deal with open wounds on your knuckles.:EG:

Thankyou for your input :)

However, I do not think it is necessary to break skin. A canvas bag of pit gravels works quite well as both a conditioning and strength developing tool. IT does harden the skin surface of your knuckles without creating bristles. That is just a side effect, as the real goal is to strengthen the joints of you arms and wrists, as well as your knuckles.

A heavy bag will offer the same training result. But a canvas bag of pit gravels is 10X harder to punch at than a heavy bag.

I am interested in finding out how many of us put heavy emphasis on this type of conditioning :)

However, everyone's advice on training is gratefully received.

A canvas bag of pit gravels works quite well as both a conditioning and strength developing tool. IT does harden the skin surface of your knuckles without creating bristles. That is just a side effect, as the real goal is to strengthen the joints of you arms and wrists, as well as your knuckles.
Yeah, I know.
I am interested in finding out how many of us put heavy emphasis on this type of conditioning
Sorry, I took your first post:
Besides working the heavy bag and doing knuckle pushup, what other methods/ tools do you use to condition your hands?
to be a question about other methods of hand conditioning.I guess I missunderstood.
No apology necessary as all training methods recommended are deeply appreciated.