tony jaa vs eddie gordo!!!clip from new film.

Couple questions for the Muay Thai folks in here.

* If Jaa's style is in fact Muay Thai, what's with the wide kung fu-ish stance and the lowered lead hand( not what I'm given to understand is the usual MT guard( legs close together, sometimes the lead foot up on the ball, elbows tight at chest level, fists by top of head) ?

*what was all that gymnasticating with his hands after he hit "Gordo" taking multiple steps back into tone of those low stances? again struck me as a Chinese flavor rather than Thai.

* I saw what I was almost sure was Jaa throwing multiple TKD style tornado kicks at once which I don't recognize as belonging to MT. Do they?
I know the original post was from 01-23-2006 but this is the first itme I was this and all I got to say is DAMN that was cool.
The movie's fight scenes are great, the story line may seem strange but as they say in the movie, elephants are regarded as relatives in Thailand. Respect the culture.
Just to answer some questions.... That wasn't Jackie Chan in the film. That person is a Thia actor, an intentional look-a-like.

In regards to some of the earlier questions, Tony Jaa practices Muay Boran in this film... with gymnastic and Wushu influences. Muay Boran means "Ancient Boxing". So, in short terms, its the art before it was popularized as a sport.
Also, in regards to his stance, thats also from Boran. The stance is called the "Yang Sum Khum". You can learn more about the stance, and a PARTICULAR style of Muay Boran (because it depends on what region of Thailand the Boran comes from, added to the fact that neighboring countries like Burma, Laos, and Cambodia have their own Boran as well) if you check this site....
Just to add, I've seen the movie, quite a few times....and I thought it was AWSOME. And also the best display of capoeira I've seen in any movie, although the capoeira guy loses;)
The movie rocks - makes me wanna sign up for "stunt academy" just to try some of that stuff!!!

Some of it was a bit over-stretched though - did you see the bit where he slashes the big guys nerves??? And come on.....exactly how many arms did he break in that scene towards the end???!!!

Still, gotta respect that kind of talent :matrix: