Couple questions for the Muay Thai folks in here.
* If Jaa's style is in fact Muay Thai, what's with the wide kung fu-ish stance and the lowered lead hand( not what I'm given to understand is the usual MT guard( legs close together, sometimes the lead foot up on the ball, elbows tight at chest level, fists by top of head) ?
*what was all that gymnasticating with his hands after he hit "Gordo" taking multiple steps back into tone of those low stances? again struck me as a Chinese flavor rather than Thai.
* I saw what I was almost sure was Jaa throwing multiple TKD style tornado kicks at once which I don't recognize as belonging to MT. Do they?
* If Jaa's style is in fact Muay Thai, what's with the wide kung fu-ish stance and the lowered lead hand( not what I'm given to understand is the usual MT guard( legs close together, sometimes the lead foot up on the ball, elbows tight at chest level, fists by top of head) ?
*what was all that gymnasticating with his hands after he hit "Gordo" taking multiple steps back into tone of those low stances? again struck me as a Chinese flavor rather than Thai.
* I saw what I was almost sure was Jaa throwing multiple TKD style tornado kicks at once which I don't recognize as belonging to MT. Do they?