Tonight's training session


Master Black Belt
So thought it'd be fun to share what we did in a training session tonight and see how it compares to other people's.

So it started off with a run around a football pitch next to the gym we did 5 laps then stretched then went in and partnered up on the focus mitts and first did 2 minutes of the combo jab, cross hook roundhouse kick. Then we moved on ajd extended the combo with a switch a knee and another roundhouse, then moved extended it one more time with a push kick land right cross left hook with another roundhouse.

Then moved onto some more cardio we did 30 seconds of hooks 30 seconds of uppercuts and 1 minute of straight punches all continuously. Then we got the kicking shields and did 30 seconds on each leg of low kicks. Then finished off with 10 press ups hold a high plank for 10 seconds then 10 press ups again we did that 4 times. Then 1 minute low plank then 30 leg raises and finished with stretches.

So that's a basic session at our gym sometimes we skip to warm up instead of running and obviously different combos. Normally There's a 1 hour sparring class after but we couldn't tonight because the gym was booked by a shooting club.

Just interested in how other gyms train as well
Sounds fun, who are you training with?
Jersey warriors kickboxing. I posted their website in the boxing/kickboxing forum I'm back in jersey for work for a few weeks so thought I'd go train again. I lived there for a few years before moving away that was my main school before in England where I live normally I train at a number of different gyms
Nice if you can get it lol, I've only been to Guernsey, not made it to Jersey sadly.
Blocking drills. Wrestling, wave master striking. Technique drills. Free sparring. Then a lecture about how your ego can kill you.
Half an hour of exercise. (death by abs day)

Ran through head arm chokes from triangle. Rolled 7 rounds. Drilled double and single leg take downs from striking.
Non MA day for me today. Had been hurting pretty bad all week and was finally feeling a bit better so I didn't want to overdo it. Easy day at the gym:

3 sets of regular pull ups ( I usually do them weighted)
3 sets of handstand push-ups
3 sets of wide legged Hindu push-ups
RKC planks
Side planks with leg raises
Hip mobility stuff
Kettle bell swings
Then a good stretching
Did a body stretching workout at work (shhh, don't squeal) then some abs, planks and breathing drills. Did a Tai-chi class at night, then tried to commit suicide with ravioli. Ravioli is my favorite workout supplement.
Most recent class ? We learned how to fight with hammers. Not hammer fists - hammers. What a school.
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Did a body stretching workout at work (shhh, don't squeal) then some abs, planks and breathing drills. Did a Tai-chi class at night, then tried to commit suicide with ravioli. Ravioli is my favorite workout supplement.

Spaghetti for me.

I worked Saturday morning when one of my servers at work collapsed (I'm an IT guy). Then I replaced ceiling tiles in my basement and got a ton of rodent feces in my face. Took a shower, did kata in the backyard and video recorded it (and posted it!). Ate dinner (the afore-mentioned Spaghetti). Sat on the couch with my wife for a couple hours and relaxed. Then went back to work to support a storage upgrade on 25 of my servers. Went to bed around 12:30, got up at 7, still on the call about the storage upgrade. Have coffee, hope to be done working by noon. Then if the weather remains nice, I'll mow the lawn. Monday it's back to work.

IT work is a great workout - for your typing fingers and your butt-fu.
Thursday workout for me was 25 + minutes of nonstop 1 minute drills with 10 second breaks in between (transition time)
10 minutes of running forward, side hops, cross overs (karaoke), application / conditioning, and sparring.

Warmup was 10 minutes of footwork.

5 sets of 1 minute drill of wrist, elbow, and finger grip strength building using staff
5 sets of 1 minute drill of push ups
5 sets of 1 minute drill of sit ups
5 sets of 1 minute drill of squats
5 sets of 1 minute drill of stationary stance training

15 minutes of technique real world application of Jiu Sao (type of block/strike) application / forearm conditioning.
15 minutes of real world Luk Choi pad work / knuckle conditioning
5 minutes of light sparring without gloves (optional)
