Tom Gavrilos or Victor Marx?


White Belt
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
Im the first to say, trying to take away a gun is retarded. that said. Who do you think is faster?



Just wanted an Expert Opinion

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Im the first to say, trying to take away a gun is retarded. that said. Who do you think is faster?



Just wanted an Expert Opinion


That would be hard to pick but I feel Marx was a bit smoother in movement. More efficient.

With that said,
This word (retarded) would not be the best choice of word for the site........
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Sorry about that, it wont let me edit, poor choice of wording. The big difference between Tom and Victor is that when Tom performs this speed move he does not use ARMS ONLY. He uses leg strength and core; therefor allowing him to pull this off on someone who might have a really tight grip, or who is not as compliant. Which one looks faster? Hard for me to tell 100%

Thanks again.
Sorry about that, it wont let me edit, poor choice of wording. The big difference between Tom and Victor is that when Tom performs this speed move he does not use ARMS ONLY. He uses leg strength and core; therefor allowing him to pull this off on someone who might have a really tight grip, or who is not as compliant. Which one looks faster? Hard for me to tell 100%

Thanks again.
Great point about Tom, as far as Victor he gets a good hit into the inside of the wrist that bends it and weakens the grip.

They are both very fast and yes it would be hard to make a definitive choice for sure....

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