Today's WTF moment

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
MUSKOGEE, Oklahoma - A 23-year-old woman who got a friend to kill her Jack Russell terrier was charged with skinning the puppy to make a belt out of its hide.Krystal Lynn Lewis and Austin Michael Mullins, 26, were being held Friday in the Muskogee County jail on $25,000 bail each. They were charged with one felony count of cruelty to animals.
"We're talking about a 6- or 7-week-old defenseless puppy," said sheriff's deputy George Roberson. "That's pretty heinous and sadistic."
Merle Haggard said after this, He isn't proud to be an Okie from Muskogee anymore...
Thank you Omar... folks need to do a quick search to ensure that there isn't a repeat on a similar topic.
True, Caver. But if you find a dupe thread like that which has already been posted simply RTM it and let the staff know which other thread it's a dupe of so we can merge the two together. ;)
It may sound disgusting, but if the dog was killed in a humane way, then how is this different than killing any other animal? Reminds me of a ruling in CA where they outlawed raising horses for meat. Again, it sounds gross, but why the criminality? Why does the state get to charge $25,000 for it? It sounds to me like tyranny.
cuz puppies are cute, plus, if you dont want a dog, you take it to the shelter, you dont shoot it in the head 22 times

they killed it BECAUSE it was a gift from an ex, then SKINNED IT

that qualifies as cruel to me
It may sound disgusting, but if the dog was killed in a humane way, then how is this different than killing any other animal? Reminds me of a ruling in CA where they outlawed raising horses for meat. Again, it sounds gross, but why the criminality? Why does the state get to charge $25,000 for it? It sounds to me like tyranny.

Is it necessary to shoot a small puppy 10 times to kill it? Does that sound humane? Does that sound like what a civilized, rational human being would do?

Did anybody bother reading the article?

cuz puppies are cute, plus, if you dont want a dog, you take it to the shelter, you dont shoot it in the head 22 times

they killed it BECAUSE it was a gift from an ex, then SKINNED IT

that qualifies as cruel to me

The shelter would have either found it a home, or put it down humanely.

These people are sick and least of all humane.
cuz puppies are cute, plus, if you dont want a dog, you take it to the shelter, you dont shoot it in the head 22 times

they killed it BECAUSE it was a gift from an ex, then SKINNED IT

that qualifies as cruel to me

Cuteness has nothing to do with the law and criminality. And shooting something in the head is in fact a humane way to kill it. And shooting it multiple tiimes is in fact, more humane because it makes sure the animal didn't suffer. Listen, I'm not saying I would want these people for neighbors, and I'm not saying that it isn't at the very least a perverse thing to do. But I can't figure out why it would be considered criminal.
Cuteness has nothing to do with the law and criminality. And shooting something in the head is in fact a humane way to kill it. And shooting it multiple tiimes is in fact, more humane because it makes sure the animal didn't suffer. Listen, I'm not saying I would want these people for neighbors, and I'm not saying that it isn't at the very least a perverse thing to do. But I can't figure out why it would be considered criminal.

Oh I don't know maybe Intent has something to do with it.
Its not like these people were thinking of something to help humanity, or for a designer wardrobe idea. It seems pretty clear from the comments that this was meant to take out vengence against an ex, it was meant to be horrific. It was horrific, these two that did this have some serious issues, and I woudl not put it past them to move up a notch and work on humans next.
Is it necessary to shoot a small puppy 10 times to kill it? Does that sound humane? Does that sound like what a civilized, rational human being would do?

No, 10 shots is wasteful-I'd also imagine that the first one should have done the trick.

I just hold them by the scruff of the neck and club them once.

Did anybody bother reading the article?

Yeah-those people give low and sick a whole newe meaning-still don't know that it was "cruel" or "criminal," except that it was a "little defenseless puppy"
What this person did was wrong. There is no doubt about that.


Some perspective is called for. Shooting a puppy in the head, which was likely an instantaneous death, is monstrously cruel. Keeping a baby cow confined to a small crate so that it can't turn around or move, so it's muscles stay underdeveloped and tender, is not only fine, it's tasty.

We have a lot of selective outrage over cases like this. "Routine" cruelty is executed and excused on a daily basis, while "weird" cruelty pegs our outrageometers. We are hypocritical creatures.
The shelter would have either found it a home, or put it down humanely.

The rest of the article aside, I'm calling ******** on that statement.

I have a dog I have to surrender, I have been waiting NINE months for an opening in a shelter that will take him. As far as I am concerned they are useless.
If they treat animals like that, and they being but 23 and 26 years old, it won't be long till the graduate to other humans.

They are monsters in the making.

If they treat animals like that, and they being but 23 and 26 years old, it won't be long till the graduate to other humans.

They are monsters in the making.


I know... all them kids out huntin deer are about to be serial killers too.
If they treat animals like that, and they being but 23 and 26 years old, it won't be long till the graduate to other humans.

They are monsters in the making.


Good lord! I guess I'm a monster, then, between all the thousands of rabbits and squirrels I've ventilated, butchered and eaten since I was about 10. Never mind the chickens, geese, and turkeys I've decapitated, gutted, plucked and cooked up. Or the pigs whose throats I slit. Or those bison I shot. Or the puppies that I've knocked on the head, gutted, skinned and stewed. Or all the coyotes I killed to make coats, only to feed their meat to my dogs. Or all the chipmunks and gophers I shot just for looking at my garden. Or all the fish I used just to fetilize my corn......Or all the deer and elk I've shot-sometimes with very primitive weapons-only to gut, skin and butcher for later consumption.......

......did I miss anything? Oh yeah-in more than 38 years of "treating animals that way," I've only killed one person-can't say "he deserved it," but "deserve" had nothing to do with it, anyway. Pretty sure I'm not a monster. Frankly, at their ages, and given the locale, odds are good that they're whacked-out meth freaks, not monsters, serial killers-not any kind of "killers" at all, really. Just dumbasses who couldn't kill a puppy with a single bullet.....
Puppy stew? For real?

Fat puppy stew (Wunhpala wahapi) is reserved for special feasts in Lakota, Shoshone and other Plains Indian cultures. I'm 1/4 Wind River Shoshone, so yeah, puppy stew, for real.

It's especially good at Sundance, after some watermelon and about a 1/2 gallon of water (and a nap!), of course....:lol:
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