To-Shin Do Quest Center, Training Costs


White Belt
I am interested in beginning training in To-Shin Do and am particularly interested in the home study program (as it seems many people are). The nearest Quest center is about 6 hrs away from me. I would like to try to visit a dojo every now and then and seminars as well. Anyone have any knowledge about costs? How much is it to train at a dojo? Is it monthly, per visit,...etc? Any home study students out there that visit a dojo on whim? Do you pay for a day's worth of training session when you go?
The simple answer is to contact the dojo itself and ask them. Each will be slightly different, for example a full time dojo may offer a range of packages, but someone who hires a room a few times a week won't. Without knowing the dojo in question, we can't answer. You need to ask them.
i'm in GA. anyone have experience with the North Georgia Martial Arts Club in Toccoa,GA? Anyone who home studies have any info, thoughts, experiences to share about the Tampa Quest Center?
i'm in GA. anyone have experience with the North Georgia Martial Arts Club in Toccoa,GA? Anyone who home studies have any info, thoughts, experiences to share about the Tampa Quest Center?

Never heard of it, but it's a bit out of my range.

But the website for North Georgia Martial Arts is one of my old instructors when I was at the Bujinkan Atlanta Dojo in early 90's.

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