To make you feel better about USAT


Sr. Grandmaster
Or so it always seems to turn out timing wise....

I am compleltly baffled by the handling by TRMAI of the issue that popped up at this last event in Baton Rouge. We (instructors) were told that we all HAD to compete in order to get credit for the event. This was told to us AFTER the competition was over, but we were told we would be OK if we just signed up (late) and PAID! It is a cold hard fact that there is NO documentation that specifically states that competition is required for a world event credit. It was assumed by every instuctor that I spoke to that it was only required for Instructor level 4 TESTING. for the last several years instructors have renewed, tested for rank who did not have a competition within 2 years. This "requirement" was ignored. We were even told that it didnt matter if you had an injury preventing you from competing, if you just PAID, you would be credited. So the obvious thought that this was all about the money went around like wildfire at the tourney. Then later after what I understand was a much heated debate, TRMAI decides to "fix" the "all about the money" impression by making us perform a "Makeup" tourney at our local academies.. What???!! We all know the right thing to do is to admit that the TRMAI fell short in thier explaination of world credit requirements, refund the money that some instructors paid in fear after the competition was over, and not implement that "rule" this year. Where is the INTEGRITY? I don't want to believe that TRMAI is screwing thier instructors and students to the wall for money, but what is the alternative explaination?

I am left speechless....with the only advice popping to mind is cut your losses and run...

Makes the USAT look almost mature and normal...
Until next round that is.
Give us money, Oh, by the way, you get nothing for it. Thanks :erg: ...ha ha ha ha.

I think they are working towards the 'teach nothing collect money' principle...

Had words a while back with one company man instructor who had formed a 'BB Instructor club' charging a good bit of money for his students to become instructors...a proposition that had always carried a huge commitment in time and money without compensation...his argument was that his clients were happy...but he never did explain what they got out of it, except stuff that in the end would be cheaper if they paid it outright...
The only thing I got out of him was that basically everybody not on board with the business model was a loser, not able to run a school, those who left were dissenters....nice, huh?!
And if you didn't have 600 students you sucked. paraphrased, in essence.

Part of the reason I never renewed my membership, though I dearly love my instructors...but that mickey mouse is just too short!

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