to all 'on duty'


Purple Belt
I'm on call today till 6, for both hospital calls and phone crisis line. It's a harder day and so many staff and advocates have kids and need this day so I've been covering it for the last 11 years. And yes, we do get many many calls. One year i went to 4 different hospitals on 4 different sexual assault cases plus crisis line calls. Most of the phone calls are from survivors in families where they have to see the perpetrators and feel very alone. Lots of grief and hurt this time of year along with the good spirits of the season. If it's one of the worst days for them, I can't see how they should have to go through it alone. So far, crisis calls keep coming in, listening and being with people who are hurting may seem small to outsiders but it is a great gift, I have learned.

So I'm thinking of all the good folks, here at MT and elsewhere, who are 'on duty' today and tonight and tomorrow: LEs, police and fire fighters, nurses and ER people, hospital staff, air traffic, soldiers and sailors and many more . You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Bless you for being there, for your service and care.
Amen to that, brothers and sisters.

My best wishes and holiday greetings to all workers on Christmas day and eve, too.
I worked most Christmases and Thanksgivings because we don't have kids, might as well let brother officers be home with theirs. I'm really enjoying being off on holidays now.

May all workers get out a little early after a peaceful shift. Boun Natale to you all
May I add my best wishes to those who work on the holidays. May your day be safe and may you and yours have a wonderful day