Well he is my thought on the matter it is not about a style but about the fighters in the ring and how well they can adapt to the rules for the UFC.

TKD is a complete Art if you train that way, now if you are an OLympic TKD person with no ground game at all and no punching abilities then you have no chance, OK less than .01%, the UFC was built around certain rules and multiple styles of fighting you need to have some of all to be competitive.

Just my Humble opinion
How do you think Taekwondo would do in the UFC?

I think of the UFC and other MMA venues as a free market of fighting. However much TKD you see in the UFC is probably directly proportional to how well it works in the UFC.

How do you define TKD when it comes to an MMA event? If you are a TKD practitioner and do the traditional kicks for your forms, but your kicks become Muy Thai-ish when you are working the bag or in the octagon, is it still TKD?
If that is all you use then you are 1 dimensional and if you see the early UFC fights 1 dimensional fighters lose most of the time.
Going back to the question of tkd in the ufc: it would do terribly.
UFC has set rules that have evolved over since 1994 and has become a very definite thing.
The guys competing now are pummellers who are excellent at getting someone on the ground and pounding them to dust--that is what they are trained to do. How do you think an Olympic tkd guy would do when he is tackled by a 220 pound guy and sat on while getting hit in the face over and over until the ref breakes it up?
This thread will go well as long as everyone sticks to "tkd in the ufc" and not "tkd in a real fight" or some such thing.

Anyone using tkd as there main art in the ufc would need to learn alot more they wouldn't stand a chance.
Tae Kwon Do would do in and of itself would do as well as hapkido in the UFC......See a hapkidoist wants to break joints and throw to the ground while dislocating the opponents limbs and causing internal bleeding.

A good stomp kick to the plexes, axe kick to the collar bone, sythe kick across the knee caps, front upraising, arc, inverted twist kick etc. etc. are just not pluasible or feasible in a UFC environment.
I like to think of the martial arts as a library.

The various sections (history, geography, literature, horror, etc) are the various seperate styles.

Now, each section contains hundreds of books. You could make it your lifes goal to read all the books in one section, and probably never achieve it.

But if you only ever read books from one section, you will have a very specialised, very narrow knowledge base.

The same is true of the martial arts. If you only ever study techniques from one art, you will have a very specialised and narrow skill base, and in a competition that does not encourage the use of those particular skills, you will be at a significant disadvantage.
Well firth we may ask ourselves, what was tkd made for? tkd was made for defende ourselves that's it, tkd is a martial arts were we learn to take care of us by conditions our brain,body and soul to cope with danger, I mean, we learn and train TKD to defend ourselves in a critic time, when somebody wants to hurt us, and violence is the last resort we have.

UFC is only a showtime tv program where one oponent want's to distry the other, tha's no martial art, that's brutality, one guy afther broking the other face jumps over the defenless guy and try to kill him with elbow blows,choking him almot to death, tha's BRUTALITY.

Eben boxing has rules where brutality is not allowed.

Simply UFC has no budo.

Well firth we may ask ourselves, what was tkd made for? tkd was made for defende ourselves that's it, tkd is a martial arts were we learn to take care of us by conditions our brain,body and soul to cope with danger, I mean, we learn and train TKD to defend ourselves in a critic time, when somebody wants to hurt us, and violence is the last resort we have.

UFC is only a showtime tv program where one oponent want's to distry the other, tha's no martial art, that's brutality, one guy afther broking the other face jumps over the defenless guy and try to kill him with elbow blows,choking him almot to death, tha's BRUTALITY.

Eben boxing has rules where brutality is not allowed.

Simply UFC has no budo.


Guess all those Olympic TKD guys who knock each other out aren't doing TKD, cause you know, thats BRUTAL. Seems to me that image of brutality that you attribute to MMAers (incorrectly I would note) would be exactly the situation that you should be training for.

Incidentally, TKD doesn't have any "budo" either in the strict sense of the term.

Dont misunderstood me please, first a KO in TKD disables to the oponent, in UFC the fighters want pretty badly to destroy each other, that's no martial arts.

I have seen TKD videos where a tremendous knock out occurs, but the fight is over, in UFC I've seing one guy over the other punding and hurting so baldy, it resembles to me a dog figth where two dogs tear each oher apart till death, tha's not martial arts.

In TKD we have a conduct code, a gentelmen code, where when one oponents is down the fight is stoped.

Dont misunderstood me please, first a KO in TKD disables to the oponent, in UFC the fighters want pretty badly to destroy each other, that's no martial arts.

I have seen TKD videos where a tremendous knock out occurs, but the fight is over, in UFC I've seing one guy over the other punding and hurting so baldy, it resembles to me a dog figth where two dogs tear each oher apart till death, tha's not martial arts.

In TKD we have a conduct code, a gentelmen code, where when one oponents is down the fight is stoped.


Um, when was the last time you watched the UFC/MMA? If a KO happens the fight is over, if a submission happens the fight is over, if you can't defend yourself the fight is over. I think your problem with MMA is that it doesn't meet your expectation of what a fight should look like, but make absolutely no mistake, what those guys do in there is martial arts.

Dont misunderstood me please, first a KO in TKD disables to the oponent, in UFC the fighters want pretty badly to destroy each other, that's no martial arts.

I have seen TKD videos where a tremendous knock out occurs, but the fight is over, in UFC I've seing one guy over the other punding and hurting so baldy, it resembles to me a dog figth where two dogs tear each oher apart till death, tha's not martial arts.

In TKD we have a conduct code, a gentelmen code, where when one oponents is down the fight is stoped.


Actually, I've seen a discussion like this somewhere about how UFC used to be brutal, almost no- rules like; however, so was a lot of TKD, Karate, etc. fights.

Back on the subject: I think that if the TKD'er practiced well, maybe expanded his knowledge base, it would be a really good fight. Just because one expands his/ her martial arts, doesn't mean they're no longer doing TKD- they're using that, but also more. I just don't think one should remain stagnate in their art. Sticking with it is great, and you should do, especially if it's what you love!
They bwill do as well as they train, if they out the time in to learn more than one aspect like alot of the fighters do then they will do ok, but if they try to use strickly TKD new school no chance in hell.
Even kickboxin for my point of view is not as brutal as UFC, sorry I really dislike see a guy over the other pounding his head several times till unconcius.

Don't wana star a flame here, but think UFC it isn't a martial art, this is my point of view only, if you guys think it is well, don't wna argue.

In martial arts we have even mercy for the fallen oponent.

Even kickboxin for my point of view is not as brutal as UFC, sorry I really dislike see a guy over the other pounding his head several times till unconcius.

Don't wana star a flame here, but think UFC it isn't a martial art, this is my point of view only, if you guys think it is well, don't wna argue.

In martial arts we have even mercy for the fallen oponent.


I am not flaming you here, this is a discussion forum.

In martial arts we have even mercy for the fallen oponent.

This isn't true of judo, jujitsu, historical European martial arts, Filipino martial arts, or several of the Chinese martial arts that I have seen. With battlefield arts, if you knock the guy over you do your best to insert something sharp and pointy into them, not exactly "mercy."

So even if you aren't talking about MMA, your viewpoint is a bit limited.

I'd have to agree with blindside, the real traditional martial arts were all about disabling your opponant to the point where they couldn't attack back, in a lot of cases this involved death, including the art of the subject header TKD, it was originally an art of the battlefield with plenty of killing strokes, that to me is brutal, but arguably merciful it's true. :mst: :mad:

I've seen UFC, it looks like a martial art to me, a very sporty one it's true but no more than some of the other sport martial arts there are.
Even kickboxin for my point of view is not as brutal as UFC, sorry I really dislike see a guy over the other pounding his head several times till unconcius.

In terms of long term damage, boxing & kickboxing are often thought of to be worse. In MMA there is no standing 8, no 10 count. Fighters take far more hard shots to the head, and are expected to keep going past when a MMA fight would have been stopped.

Don't wana star a flame here, but think UFC it isn't a martial art, this is my point of view only, if you guys think it is well, don't wna argue.

In martial arts we have even mercy for the fallen oponent.


See, this is where things go funny. On the one hand there is this line of thinking, that MMA is too rough and a downed opponent should be allowed to get up or quit. On the other side us MMA folks get told that what we do is a sport, and that eye gouges, groin strikes, and other crippling or even killing techniques are what real martial arts are.