So far it's been a week of TKD and it's been fun as all hell. I've noticed are school does a lot of self defense drills even though it's WTF. Like we were practicing pivoting for multiple oppenents it was pretty cool. The colored belts said my jump sidekick is really nice (probably cause I can jump really really high and I'm short, my rollerblading makes my legs VERY strong). So far I'm very pleased with my class, are teacher is an world games gold medalist. I hear all these bad things about TKD dojangs, but I love the way we get taught in are dojo. I found out at the beggining of every summer the team goes down to korea to train with the korean national team, and this year there gonna go train with the korean and japanese national teams, which is gonna be really cool if I can come up with the money. My instructors are Master Yoon and Chief Instructor Paula Aloi of Sky martial Arts academy(http://www.skymartialarts.com/index2.html), they teach the class together, aloi usually works witht he advanced students and Master Yoon is usually with the white belts as I'm guessing it's because he explains things so clear where you have to be retarded not to understand. So far TKD has been 100% complimenting my DZR jujitsu training, they just blend so well together.