TKD is inside of me for ever


Senior Master
Been out od dojang since early july, in fact I only took care of the kup test cause the sabonim was ill, but before that I had several things to manage, my wife's car broke so I had to give mine to her so basically I am riding bus or asking for a ride to go to work or return home late at night. I live in Boca del Rio and work in Veracruz and is a 40 minutes ride form home to work and viceversa and ojang is not in line with this, but well, I had to ask money to the bank to fix the car and pay some bills and well I am such a mess.

Well, even the last weeks had been not so nice to me I am still dreaming,breathing,eatting, etc,etc TKD I really love TKD and I am hoping I will return soon to dojang, yes it's gona hurt because of all these days do nothing, my wody will ache again and sore too but what the hell I love this korean martial art.

So I am alive and kicking and soon as possible returning dojang, something I almost forgot is that Artur my TKD budy is not coming againg no more, he droped TKD for many things: 1.-TKD is not like he wanted (the thing about sport vs martial art), he loved the way I used to teach TKD but as longa as I am not giving the class that way he does not like it anymore, 2.-Arthur lives very far from dojang right now and 3.-He discover golf.

Loosing Arturo in dojang was a low blow for me but I will have to take it.

I hate it when life gets in the way of Taekwondo, too. You're not alone, my friend. It's hard when friends or beloved stop training. I've seen a lot of both of things happen in my time. I even found my first master after many years. He hadn't just moved, he stopped teaching Taekwondo...and started teaching....yes, Golf! :(

If you still love doing it, find a way to keep training. Train around injuries (if something hurts, train something else), train at home if you can't get to the dojang. Get up early and train before work. There are a lot of reasons to stop. Some of them might even be considered good reasons, to some people. But as long as you still love it, that's a good enough reason to continue.
Yes, life can make training very difficult. I am currently training at home due to medical problems. But I cannot ever stop! Don't give up, perhaps do a 15 minute stretching and basics workout in the kitchen/garden/park 3 times a week to keep stretched out....☺
I wanted to go tonigth but dobok was not ready, I went to the alundry for it but the clerk told me they do not cleaning very well so she sent it back for a good wash. I hope tomorrow dobok is ready and go to dojang. Even I am not training or teaching I am still doing my homework, yes I am studiying some self defense techs and practicing poomsae once in a while but I really need to go to dojang because when I put on my dobok and tie my black belt something happens, I call it the super man syndrom, yes when I put on my TKD dobok and belt feel like becomeing superman and this coupled with been in the dojang makes me feel like I am doing my thing, yes I know that a gi and a belt dod not make us more or less martial artists but in my case it motivates me a lot.

I want to powelfully kick the kicking shield to become alive or do some kyorugi to feel again or do want I love the most, teaching the guys how to defen themselves with simple moves.

El Manny