TKD changes another life


Senior Master
Lifetime Supporting Member;_ylu=X3oDMTA0cDJlYmhvBHNlYwM-

Nice to see him giving MA props....

Imperioli: Tae kwon do changed his life

NEW YORK - On TV, Michael Imperioli honors the godfather. Off-screen, he bows to a martial arts grandmaster.
The 40-year-old actor, who plays the heroin-addicted, hothead mobster Christopher Moltisanti on "The Sopranos," says he owes his clean new real life to tae kwon do teacher Tae Sun Kang, who also trains Imperioli's wife, Victoria, and children.
"I was in terrible physical shape. I smoked a pack a day," he said. "Tae kwon do has transformed our family in body, mind and spirit. It has changed us as human beings."
He gave up cigarettes after taking up the martial art four years ago. His wife, their sons David, 9, and Vadim, 5, and a 16-year-old daughter from Victoria's previous marriage, Isabella, take classes from Kang at his school in Tribeca, the Manhattan neighborhood where the Imperiolis live.
Tae kwon do also has changed Imperioli's acting, he said.

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