The Breonna Taylor thing does not make sense to me.
I am only guessing trying to make sense of what happened
The Vice Detectives got an informant so they could get a warrant.
They wanted a no knock warrant so the drugs don’t go down the toilet.
Something as dangerous as a drug bust, I would hope was all planned out.

Why was swat not there or at least police back up?
I would think that would be police policy for the protection of the police and the public.

Why did they not use flash bangs?
Stun them to make them easier to handle.

Why be so secretive about the drug bust?
If their superuser knew about the bust wouldn't he at least require back up.

Why were there no other police officers there to witness the money or the drugs?
New 2020 Colt Python $1500 piece of junk. Colt must have let their good gunsmith go. I feel really bad, I had bragged so much about my Python to my friend.
He had to send his 2020 Python back to the factory. I will never buy a new Colt. I guess factory tune Smith is the way to go.
I hate Glocks, but this guy knows what he is taking about. He recommends Glocks as your first gun, IMO he is the best at giving truthful useful information about guns.
He has many useful videos for new owners.
My tip is to find a good holster for your new gun to make it safe.

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