Tiny dog saves baby from rattlesnake


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Tiny dog saves baby from rattlesnake
Mon Jul 23, 5:08 PM ET
MASONVILLE, Colo. - Zoey is a Chihuahua, but when a rattlesnake lunged at her owners' 1-year-old grandson, she was a real bulldog.
Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents' northern Colorado back yard when the snake slithered up to the toddler, rattled and struck. Five-pound Zoey jumped in the way and took the bites.
"She got in between Booker and the snake, and that's when I heard her yipe," said Monty Long, the boy's grandfather.
The dog required treatment and for a time it appeared she might not survive. Now she prances about.
"These little bitty dogs, they just don't really get credit," Booker's grandma Denise Long told the Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald.

Wow, what a brave little dog and a hero to boot. Glad the dog survived. Way to go Zoey!


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I saw that and thought it was amazing. Dog's don't know how big they are, but this little one has a heart of gold. :) Fabulous story.
I have a chihuahua. The running joke is that I'm going to kill him as soon as I complete my list 1001 ways to kill a chih, via selecting the best from the list. (his inevitable doom is said to be the explanation for the comically nervous look he gets in his eyes when staring him down).

This story is disturbing, because it means I have to remove from the list 1 item: Throw chihuahuah to rattlesnake. Oh well; looks like the number one contender now is to back the car over his wee little head. But I'm less one item in my list of 1001 ways to kill him. Damn. Next week, there will probably be a story of a chih that heroically saves a little boy by guiding a car to back over its own head..but lives, sparing the kid.

Calling ACME,

I saw that and thought it was amazing. Dog's don't know how big they are, but this little one has a heart of gold. :) Fabulous story.
My grand-dad used to say "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog that counts." I've found that to be very true of both dogs and humans.

Dave, before you call ACME you should review the old road runner cartoons and see what their product quality is like. Unless they've improved quality control over the years the chihuahua may come out the winner in your ongoing struggle.:)
I have a chihuahua. The running joke is that I'm going to kill him as soon as I complete my list 1001 ways to kill a chih, via selecting the best from the list. (his inevitable doom is said to be the explanation for the comically nervous look he gets in his eyes when staring him down).

This story is disturbing, because it means I have to remove from the list 1 item: Throw chihuahuah to rattlesnake. Oh well; looks like the number one contender now is to back the car over his wee little head. But I'm less one item in my list of 1001 ways to kill him. Damn. Next week, there will probably be a story of a chih that heroically saves a little boy by guiding a car to back over its own head..but lives, sparing the kid.

Calling ACME,

That's just plain mean Dave.

Why not just simply drop kick the dog next time you visit the grand canyon? Simple and sweet.