Time Machine Question

Which Machine Would You Choose

  • Go back in time and return to the present

  • Go forward in time and return to the present

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I'd go back to turn of the 1500 hundreds when Luther and the Pope when at it, Paris for 1700, London for the Industrial Revolution, Europe for WWI and WWII, GB to steal Ribot, USA to steal Swaps and back home. ( Northern Dancer was allready here) I assume I get to bring things/animals/people back with me? And yes I would be buying Apple stock at .10/ share.
I'd go back to turn of the 1500 hundreds when Luther and the Pope when at it, Paris for 1700, London for the Industrial Revolution, Europe for WWI and WWII, GB to steal Ribot, USA to steal Swaps and back home. ( Northern Dancer was allready here) I assume I get to bring things/animals/people back with me? And yes I would be buying Apple stock at .10/ share.
Hadn't thought of bringing back animals that are now extinct... because of man's intrusion/decimation. The Dodo and others... but probably you'd just want to get a fair sampling of each's DNA instead of the whole animal. At least you can get them cloned and THEIR genetic pool can carry on. Probably might want to get DNA samples from various animals that are already ON the endangered/threatened list so that it'll broaden the variety of the gene pool that is present right now. So many are close to inbreeding that it'll be a threat to the future population (if any).
People? No, leave 'em be. It IMO messes with that sticky time-line paradox. What if you nab Kennedy or Lincoln on the day that they was shot and bring them back to our time... how then could the course of events that their assassinations effected take place if they wasn't ever assassinated? Not to mention Oliver Stone wouldn't have a movie to bore people with.
Definitely buying stock in Apple AND Microsoft when it was dirt cheap would be a good move but again the ramifications of it have to be weighed. BUT there is a "loophole" of sorts in that time line.
Take "Blast From The Past" example where all those stocks that the father had bought were "buried" with them for 35 years now brought to life thus still worth millions upon millions. So buying the stock and literally burying it someplace that you KNOW won't get built upon, razed or anything else and "WOW lookit what I found" :rolleyes:
These things have to be carefully thought out. :uhyeah:

For Martial Artists take on this .... going back in time and taking private lessons from say... Ed Parker Sr. or Bruce Lee or Yip Man or Remy Presas and so on... to them you'd just be one more (paying) student wouldnt' you? As long as you keep your mouth shut and don't mention the future you'd be okay. Heh. That way you'd have DIRECT linage with those masters.
Just to be able to bring some of the minds of the later day to this century. DaVinci, oh baby, what could that mind do if he was raised from a baby now. Kennedy as a politician now, Luther, Bell, Newton, There are so many who's lives have been cut short or who's genuis I would love to have live again. Do we need the Dodo? Ummmm maybe not, but a Quaaga I'd bring back. The racehorses I'd bring back just because they are the ultimate form=function=beauty=god.
Could always bring

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

and George Washington

To the current time and see what they had to say about this mess
Could always bring

John Adams, Samuel Adams, Josiah Bartlett, Carter Braxton, Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Abraham Clark, George Clymer, William Ellery, William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin, Elbridge Gerry, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, John Hancock, Benjamin Harrison, John Hart, Joseph Hewes, Thomas Heyward, Jr., William Hooper, Stephen Hopkins, Francis Hopkinson, Samuel Huntington, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Thomas McKean, Arthur Middleton, Lewis Morris, Robert Morris, John Morton, Thomas Nelson, Jr., William Paca
Robert Treat Paine, John Penn, George Read, Caesar Rodney, George Ross, Benjamin Rush, Edward Rutledge, Roger Sherman, James Smith, Richard Stockton, Thomas Stone, George Taylor, Matthew Thornton, George Walton, William Whipple, William Williams, James Wilson, John Witherspoon, Oliver Wolcott, George Wythe and George Washington

To the current time and see what they had to say about this mess
You sure you'd want to subject those poor bastards to today's world/USA? I mean they were happy, they were patting each other on the back saying "good show!" to each other. The trauma would kill 'em. They'd probably give up the idea of "a more perfect union" seeing how messed up it is. :lol:
But then again, if you return them to their time prior to the signing of that sacred document perhaps they'd add a few amendments to keep all this crap that's been happening today. Making certain parts un-changeable no matter what.
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